Hollowheart - Abyssal Lord in Arcathia: The new Order | World Anvil
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Hollowheart - Abyssal Lord

Biography of Occult Entity


  While the Hollowheart manifests as an ancient statue, their true physicality can be found beneath the cracks. This stone serves almost like a hatching egg for the beast within, which takes the shape of a hideous woman with monstrous green skin, spikes and thorns grown from her spine, shoulders and arms, along with a malformed clawed right hand and a spiny tail.   While they wear a greenish moldy dress that seems to have grown into the skin, one can make out the big gaping hole within the creature's chest. Where the heart should be is instead a hollow nothing with protruding spines that almost seems to take the shape of a mouth full of teeth.  


  Hollowheart can only be described as a creature of immense sorrow and depression. Their entire persona is based on a deep rooted heartless sadness believed to be spurned by their very lack of the organ.   This creature often seems passive, distant. As if whenever they take the shape of a statue, they are resting in solitude and devoid of emotion. As this state is disturbed, they react in vengeance.  


  Maddened by their curse, Hollowheart seeks dominion and conquest. They actively corrupt those who succumb to the violence of their maddening scream. Turning them into twisted malformed creatures reborne in their image.   With these forces, the creature drives their armies to kill and conquer anyone who isn’t a fellow Tragedite. That means, they will target fellow abyssal lords not part of their own pantheon, seeking dominion of their own ilk as well.  


  Hollowheart was captured with their fellow two Tragedite lords during a siege of the Forlorn City. Here, the hunter Kasus Khzar along with Scarnic and Dwarven allies attacked the heart of evil and the huntsman took the three on in a final battle.   The creature was later locked down with chains beneath the surface of the lake in the Sorrow Woods. Ensuring their foul call could never break through the waters ever again.


Subject: H0110W - Hollowheart   Threat level: Extreme   Manifestation: This creature manifests itself in the shape of a stone statue that takes the form of a weeping woman. While it may seem ancient, full of cracks and overgrown with mosses and lichen, one should never approach this entity as it is far more alive than it seems.   Powers: When disturbed, the Hollowheart can unleash a psychic scream that attacks and burrows into the minds of mortals as well as immortals. An array of horrific screams, voices and emotions of panic and anxiety will assault those affected. Only those with the strongest of wills are capable of powering through this demented psychosis, one which drives the crowd to lose themselves in a state of fight or flight.   Dangers: The entity is incredibly dangerous among remnant and future civilizations. While it can masquerade as a statue, there is no telling when the petrified skin will crack and unleash the horrors from within. If present within a city, the masses can be driven to madness and run for their lives like frightened animals. That is, if they don’t stand on false ground and start murdering each other in fear.   Weaknesses: While the entity is within the form of a statue, they can easily be killed by blowing the creature up into tiny pieces. This isn’t a perfect solution but a far better one than allowing it to run rampant among civilians. Mainly, as it’ll eventually reform within the abyss and return to the mortal planes. It should only ever be fought outside of civilization and with ear mufflers as they protect from the inevitable shrieks.


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