Doorman - Abyssal Lord in Arcathia: The new Order | World Anvil
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Doorman - Abyssal Lord

Biography of Occult Entity



  While the subject most often takes the manifestation of a dark corridor with rows and rows of doors, it is known that this is not the true physical appearance of the entity. Though it has a powerful ability in muddling with the mind, an individual who finds themselves in the creature's grasp is either dreaming, or acting out the illusion in the real world.   The true face of the entity is a slender mistlike shape with abnormally long arms and legs to a hunched over body with an almost skull and insect like mouthless head with two fly-like eyes that stand agape. The creature itself is weak and feeble and beyond the horrific appearance, can easily be swatted like said fly.  


  The persona of Doorman is an odd one, for Abyssal Lords. The creature is almost childlike in a twisted way. Speaking only in riddles and mockery, while clearly enjoying playing with the emotions of mortals. Almost like it feeds on negative energies.   The entity also seems to enjoy sowing chaos and playing at wisdom and knowledge. Oftentimes appearing before those that do not only seek power, but answers and means. Usually through telling straight lies, that the creature should by nature be far too intellectual than to believe itself.  


  Due to the aspirations of this entity, it is not considered to be a great threat. Unlike most Abyssal Lords, Doorman does not seem to care for its own power, as much as its amusement. The creature also seems to solely target low life criminals, barbarians and other savages. This is believed to not be a cause of empathy, as much as a survival instinct. To stay away from those with the abilities to threaten them.   That Doorman shares no greater aspirations than to play at a divine comedy has been debunked by questioning the captured entity. Quote; “Why would I concern myself with petty schemes such as mortal politics. These mindless morons amuse me well enough without interference.”   This would strengthen the theory that the entity is really just trying to be the worst clown this world has ever seen. First appearance   While it is hard to pinpoint the exact appearance of Doorman, cases would point at a peculiar warchief among the Scarnic clans.   In his quest for power, said individual suddenly started acting strange. Carrying out deeds such as balancing an egg on top of his head while standing on one foot. As it was believed to grant him divine wisdom to crush his enemies with.   Eventually, the warchief was discarded, likely through being considered boring and old by the entity.   This execution on the man was carried out by Doorman convincing the warchief that he had granted him divine abilities of flight. After scaling the cliff, the man promptly dove straight into a reef and got impaled through the abdomen.  


  Creature was captured easily enough attempting to antagonise the hunter. Appearing within Kasus Khzar’s psyche, Doorman was easily enough overflowed with images of pure agony, terror and death.   The illusion shattered soon after, leaving the creature fully exposed to blunt physical trauma, where a fist to the skull was enough to knock the entity out for two clean days.   Creature was later contained within a painted glass prison with vacuum, preventing any airflow into the cage, as the entity lacked means to breathe regardless. Though cutting it off from any wavelengths that would allow it to manipulate mortals from a distance.


  Subject: DXXRM45 - Doorman   Threat Level: Low   Manifestation: A hallway of eldritch doors, all leading to more windling corridors and pathways. Often filled with tentacles and eyes.   Powers: Illusion, manipulation, dementalism, dream hijacking, lethal bargains, mental manifestations including possessive and disruptive abilities that can permanently cause flashing visions and feelings of not belonging.   Dangers: Drives people to taking impossible bargains with no ways out, often at the cost of their own soul. Dispatches victims considered useless through trapping others in his grasp, or potentially driving the weak of will to suicide.   Also completely impervious to physical harm, as an illusionist. Attempt at point blank destruction of this entity is not recommended, due to the risk of self and civilians as the self can never be trusted around Doorman.   Weaknesses: Entity suffers from incredible hubris and easily underestimates victims. Powerful psychic link between target and entity also leaves Doorman’s doors open for meddling with. If facing this entity, trickery and strength of will are the recommended weapons - as Doorman is subject to emotional instability and may lose its wits to childish temper tantrums at clever mockery.
Writing by Tonarus
Art AI generated with Midjourney

Hunters personal notes:

  “One ugly fucker that ain’t all that special in the end. Seems to mostly target more impulsive and less thoughtful individuals to prey on their emotions and rash actions.   Though he has seemingly only caused harm to those that could be considered vile and deserving of punishment, in the likely event of an escape, it would not be recommended to consider this bastard harmless. There is no telling when its seemingly innocent tricks could turn into a bloodbath.”   -Kasus Khzar


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