Constellation of the Elements Geographic Location in Arcathia: The new Order | World Anvil
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Constellation of the Elements


On the northeastern body of the sky, a constellation consisting of twelve stars can be seen shining bright at the evenings. With eight greenish stars that circulate a quad of red, yellow, blue and white shining stars in the middle, many argue that it is the homeworld of the elements that can be seen in the distance.


The myths and theories behind the shining colours of the constellation are many.   Common human studies suspect it's a trick of mind where sentience wants to make sense of everything. In their reasoning the distant worlds are in fact nothing more than different celestial bodies that are covered in some form of gas, or dust, or perhaps even aligned with the sun as a form of prism. This theory has also come to be equally acceptable within elven studies.   The Dwarves and Northerners argue that the celestial bodies were created by divine hand, as an experiment formed to realize the potential of elements. At such, it is supposed to be a holy forge ripe of elemental power that they believe shamans draw power from. It's still widely debated whether the dwarven god Whymnír created the constellation or if it was brought into reality by the Aasar.   Whatever the truth may be, the queer shape has become a large part of cultures and has gained it's space among the twelve months, due to it's significant symbolism both in natural studies and shamanistic traditions.


  Those born underneath the Elements are believed to be very calm through most situations, yet their mood can snap into a tempestuous storm if needed. They are said to be very wise and resilient with a ram's stubbornness yet with an elders insight. As all born within the rebirth quarter, they are seen as gifted in the healing arts.
Star System


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