Constellation of the Dryad Geographic Location in Arcathia: The new Order | World Anvil
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Constellation of the Dryad


The dryad is the largest constellation on the northeastern body of the sky, and makes up for the last month of spring. It consists of a total seventeen stars, that is believed to depict a woman, covered in moss, vines and leaves. The reasoning behind this is the weird shape of white stars seems to form a humanoid body, while green ones slither all around the figure like vines.


Why dryad. Why not gatherer, ranger, or any other humanoid creature or profession that is symbolised with the colour of green, or nature. It's a question that has caused many cultural scholars to scratch their beards, but it's likely that the old tradition comes from the Tale of the Faywield.   The story is of ancient elven origin, and speaks of a realm where all creatures live in perfect harmony inside of an endless forest. Here, the elements of time do not function like the real world, and thus the woodlands forever flourished underneath it's endless sun. That is, until the day ceased to be endless.   Slowly, the night started to creep in, taking over and changing the nature around it. Animals that once lived in harmony ran for their lives, as never seen before predators emerged from the shadows to swiftly ascend to the apex of the food chain.   The fae folk, protectors and keepers of the realm, were distressed by the situation and desperately tried to push the darkness back. The war took decades of human years but was all for naught as the evil still kept coming. It was as if every shadow they had slain, every twisted malformation they laid waste too, only spawned a dozen more.   It became evident that the everwilds was doomed, but it didn't mean that all hope was lost.   As the great oaks prepared to face their end, a plan was hatched. Through a gate spun from the tree's roots, seeds were brought with the dryads, into a blazing infernal world that had recently been born. There, the dryads sacrificed their lives, one by one, as they traveled across sulfurous plains, to plant the last seeds of the Mothertrees in hope that at least one would grow, to let the wilds be reborn anew.   The elves believe that due to this deed, the Dryads are immortalised in the history of the stars.


  Those who are born underneath the sign of the Dryad are said to be blessed with enthusiastic and joyous spirits, but their lust also renders them with a fair share of naivety. This loving nature gives them a powerful force of motivation to people around them, and an increased vigor in order to keep up with all their shenanigans. Like all born in the quarter of rebirth, they are said to be naturally gifted in the healing arts.
Star System


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