Mitama Organization in Arcane Realm | World Anvil


Mitama is the term for the indigenous religious beliefs and practices of the Yokai culture. Mitama is intimately tied to the yokai society that originated mainly in the Sinim region nation of Wakoku.


Essentially, it's a set of practices, to be carried out diligently, to establish a connection between present day yokai races and their ancient past. Mitama today is a term that applies to public shrines suited to various purposes such as war memorials, harvest festivals, romance, and historical monuments, as well as various sectarian organizations. It's notable for being rather light on philosophizing and heavy on community spirits.

Tenets of Faith

Mitama is not necessarily an organized religion. There are common practices that most shrines agree upon, but there is no "true" set of beliefs that practitioners are expected to hold. Rather Mitama is a catch-all term for a series of native Wakoku rituals that have a wide variety of origins. Similarly, no two temples share the same set of practices, and the religion is highly localized. There are a few recurring themes that most practioners agree upon:  
  • Cleanliness is divine
  • Spirits called kami are believed exist in practically everything
Founding Date
Religious, Other


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