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Kampu are tropic homins indigenous to the Zomia Tropics region.


Major language groups and dialects

Kampu homins generally speak a language called Thaburi.

Common Dress code

Kampu people traditionally wear a checkered scarf called a "krama" which distinctly separates them from other neighboring homin groups. The scarf is used for many purposes including for style, protection from the sun, an aid (for the feet) when climbing trees, a hammock for infants, a towel, or as a wrap dress. A krama can also be easily shaped into a small child's doll for play.   The long-popular traditional garment known as the Sampot, a long and rectangular cloth worn around the lower body. It can be draped and folded in several different ways such as the chang kben style which is wrapped more like a loose pant than a skirt.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Spirituality   The Kampu strongly identify their ethnic identity with their religious beliefs and practices, which combine the tenets of Sramana with elements of indigenous ancestor-spirit worship, animism and shamanism. All spirits must be shown proper respect, and they can cause trouble ranging from mischief to serious life-threatening illnesses.   Highland tribal groups, most with their own local religious systems, have their own pantheon of local spirits. In general they see their world filled with various invisible spirits, some benevolent, others malevolent, associated with rice, soil, water, fire, stones, paths, and so forth. Sorcerers or specialists in each village contact these spirits and prescribe ways to appease them. In times of crisis or change, animal sacrifices may be made to placate the anger of the spirits. Illness is often believed to be caused by evil spirits or sorcerers. Some tribes have special medicine men or shamans who treat the sick. In addition to belief in spirits, villagers believe in taboos on many objects or practices.
A Kampu Homin woman
Encompassed species
Related Locations
Notable Kampu  


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