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Amabie are a group of dromous merfolk that are primarily found of the wetlands and rivers of Wakoku.  Physically they tend to resemble features of carp and koi fish, owning to their moniker: koi-merfolk.       Amabie are often regarded by terrestrial races on the mainland as fairly beautiful and attractive. It is common practice in most prefectures for those who have outdoor koi pond and have an amabie wander into their pond for a short time and even host them as having them live in the waters near any settlement is to this day believed to denote good luck.


Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Some old Wakoku families have large pools in their family compounds, usually linked to local water ways, so that an amabie merman or mermaid passing through might have a place to rest and stay. On the occasion one of these mer do stay, they often take special care of the koi of the pools, and are more likely to stay for long periods of time if the koi are already in good health, as they seem to believe it indicates they will be well cared for there.   Most Amabie are often addressed with numerous honorifics and honorific suffixes, though the merfolk themselves do not seem to mind if these are not offered, sometimes teasing those who neglect their use good-naturedly.

Common Myths and Legends

The first recorded sighting of this brand of merfolk was surprisingly recent with a few reports of lights in waters of shore. One night, a government official went out to see to investigate the strange light. When he approached, a mermaid strange appeared to him and introduced herself as Amabie. She told the government official that a six-year bumper crop was coming. She also said that should there be an outbreak of diseases, he should immediately show the amabie’s picture to people everywhere, as it would protect them against harm and to clean the water ways. After that, the creature returned to the sea. Shortly after, the amabie’s story along with a woodblock print image of it was featured in the newspaper to be distributed to as many people as possible. As she prophesized, cholera outbreaks that were relatively common became controlled as her warnings were heeded.    A few years later, more of these merfolk came to be found in waterways that lead to from the seas. By this point the story was common place and the appearance of more of their kind was seen as a boon.
Encompassed species

Cover image: by Jonathan Thompson


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