Night of the Moonlance Tradition / Ritual in Arc - Tus | World Anvil
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Night of the Moonlance

Lightbringer's duty, shadow's retreat.

Acturus Albani, stranger in mind and mission.
The Night of the Moonlance, also known as First Light's Hunt or the Night of Moonlight's Piercing Glare, is a new year's custom observed in the Duchy of Estus, near the southern reaches of the The Kingdom of Crendameth, carried out by the members of the First Hunter of the Purifying Church. Although the name implies that the proceedings take up a singular night, the festivities take place over a course of four evenings, the first three being dedicated to rituals, prayers and dances and the final one focusing on the year's first hunt, which is to be carried out using the titular Moonlance to slay a beast roaming around the Duchy.

The ritual has been carried out since long before Elmeyon Crendameth's Rebellion 26 years ago, with documents from the Shadowfort indicating that it was practiced even before the Kingdom's establishment by a long-defunct organization called The Order of Candlelight. Because of the overlap between the Church's and the Order's missions, the Hunters of the Church decided to honor the ancestral organization by adopting many of their customs and rituals and adapting them into their own identity, with the Night of the Moonlance joining these practices when the eponymous weapon was discovered around 396 years past. Its practice was suspended for a period of 189 years under the edicts of Wyngel I the Devourer and later rulers, who forbade the ritual from taking place under the pretense of keeping the Church's might in check and confiscated the Moonlance after a First Hunter challenged the Empty Lord's edict. Shortly before Elmeyon Crendameth reclaimed his family's throne, Uros IX the Voidlord allowed these activities to take place once more, claiming that it was impossible for such trinkets to hurt him or the stability of his Empire.

The minimum requirement for it to be carried out is that at least one of the moons needs to be full. The Hunt is celebrated on a night where the moons shine brightest, as the Moonlance draws strength from their light. Hunts that have coincided with all three moons being full, while scarce, are far and wide remembered as being the most prosperous and wonderous of them all.


The Moonlance was discovered shortly after the Purifying Church's founding, around 396 years ago. When the first wave of Hunters settled in the Shadowfort, they came across documents that detailed the nature of the rites and customs of those who followed the Candlelit Path. A crypt, devoid of any bodies, housed the fabled lance. It was found laying on a pedestal to the far end of the room, which has since been used as a sort of vault by the Church. The decision to adopt the customs into the Church's traditions was taken by Togrick, the Founding Hunter, modifying them where the texts became too vague or unreadable to fully embrace them and revive them into the modern age. To this day, there is no mention of the Order of Candlelight in any other text in the world. 

The first Night of the Moonlance was celebrated a year after the weapon was found. The ceremony coincided with a triple full moon, where written reports and correspondence reveals the overwhelming sense of awe that was present during this initial outing. 
Ne'er will mine eyes be witness to a spectacle nearing this one's like. Ne'er was there a countenance as glorious or enrapturing as the Lord Hunter Togrick's as he took the Shard o' Silver into the Nightlands. A sage of greenstone he was, flowing as the sees do under the moons' embrace.  ─ Unknown writer.

 For well over a century and a half, the Night of the Moonlance was a staple in Estis culture, used as a necessary reprieve from the constant struggles against the encroaching horrors, encountering no major issues aside from a handful of incidents where the First Hunter was injured or killed during the process, with First Hunter Grefyl being the initial victim after failing to strike down a horrid beast of undescribed nature. 
The arrival of the Empty Lords did not faze the burgeoning Church. After the Uros I, the Empty Lord made its way through the land, the Church offered no resistance or assistance, instead pledging to remain neutral while the valley's dangers were contained. It wasn't until the ever-paranoid Devourer ascended the throne that the ritual was prohibited, with the monarch claiming that the powers channelled into the weapon were a threat to his physical integrity and the stability of the Empire as a whole. After attempts to establish a peaceful resolution ended in First Hunter Vartah's head rolling on the Square of Silver's stones, the Hunters had no choice but to capitulate, lest the situation turn more violent. Faced against the power of an Empty Lord and ten times their forces, the capitulation is often cited as one of the main reasons for the Church's continued existence. The accord struck was that the Church could keep its relics so long as they were not used to carry out the traditional First Hunt. A lidless eye of true sight was installed in one of the spires of the Shadowfort as a way to monitor the Estis' movements. 
First Hunter Q'rettz rebelled against the edict half a year after Vartah's execution. Without warning or praparation, she took the Moonlance from the vault, prepared the necessary ingredients and danced the steps in order to carry out the ritual as was scheduled, all while under the lidless eye's gaze. While Q'rettz was successful in her Hunt, she would be hunted herself, resulting in her execution and in the confiscation of the Moonlance. 

For 189 years, the Night of Moonlight's Piercing Gaze did not formally take place. For the first century, the Estis grieved over their lost tradition, with some First Hunters attempting to replace the items with similar yet mundane weapons. This decision would only lead to more dead Hunters, be it during the Hunt itself or by being chased down by Imperial forces for attempting to violate an edict. Under Uros IX's rule, however, the Moonlance was returned to the Church, with the monarch stating that never would such trifling trinkets pose a threat to himself and that the stability of his Empire could surely withstand the blows of fourth-rate magics. The gesture, while seen as a slight by many, was accepted. After First Light's break, First Hunter Vilefaux was the one to resume the ritual's regular practice. 

Since shortly before Elmeyon's Rebellion, current First Hunter and Duke of Estus Vonlir vil Vexinor has carried out a total of twenty-seven Hunts, with all of them being successful. During his second to last outing, however, the Duke was badly hurt by a beast that has since been expunged from public record. Moreover, the increasing amount of monsters, dangerous animals a longer nights that have been plaguing the Duchy for the past decade and a half have made people doubt its effectiveness and importance. Nevertheless, First Hunter Vexinor is expected to carry out next year's Hunt as usual, tentatively scheduled for the 9th of First Light, 27 AE.


The first three evening of the Night of the Moonlance are normally associated with silent revelry. The handful of civilians, called Petitioners by the Church, that live within the Duchy's natural walls take the opportunity to express their undying gratitude towards the Church and its deities for their efforts in repelling the darkness that comes about during Last Respite, the world's dark fifth season, and for all the days to come before it comes again. The dances carried out during this time and in this fashion are called silversteps, fluid yet choreographed 'waxing and waning' motions carried about to the rhythm of harps and drums, representing the moons' ever-changing but measurable nature while also serving as a way to thank the gods of the hunt and the moons' light for guiding the Hunters' steps.

During the fourth evening, the events are far more structured, yet also have the most amount of variables. Hunters, Acolytes and Petitioners gather at the Shadowfort's Square of Silver where the First Hunter will stand still until lit by the moons. They will then perform the Sharpest Silverstep while wielding the Moonlace, a dance that integrates the waning and waxing motions of regular silversteps with thrusts, dives, jabs and swipes that 'catch' moonbeams and make the lance glow a silvery-green color. As a way of finishing the dance, the First Hunter will insert the lance in a small opening in the Square's center and swiftly fall to their knees, where they will proceed to imbibe the draught of lance and sky, raising the ritual bowl high above their head then slowly turning it upside-down and placing it in front of the lance. After this is done, they are to wait for the beverage to take effect, chanting the Dark's Elegy and the Dusk's Eyes, songs associated to the Hunters' professions and the dangers they face as they traverse the Duchy's shadows. Once the draught takes effect, the First Hunter rises and removes the lance, now fully imbued with the moons' light, and sets forth from the Shadowfort, ready to hunt the first beast they come across. This must be done alone. There have been instances where a First Hunter fails to find a mark in time, leading to the belief that the year will be short of game and full of peril.

The dancing, much like its regular counterparts, is a way to pray to the moons. The bowl being turned over for all to see is a way of demonstrating that not a single drop of the draught remains within, proving that the Hunter is committed to the task at hand.

The First Hunter is expected to return before dawn next day, bringing the corpse of the slain beast with it. There are no rules or edicts that stipulate that the beast need be a certain kind of monster or animal, nor do they specify the size of the foe. However, the held belief is that the greater the size and the larger the threat posed, the more prosperity and protection there will be for the coming year, so First Hunters will often venture in the direction of There Where Cursed Things Dwell in hopes of finding a suitable quarry.

It is said that the light released by the Moonlance upon slaying a mark is so bright that the whole Duchy lights up for an instant after the deed has been performed. These claims have mostly been dismissed as Estis superstition, as there have been no reports from any Kingdom officials or even migrating Petitioners that speak of such an event happening in the past hundred years.

Components and tools

There are several items that are required for the ritual to take place. These are, in order of importance:
  • The Moonlance, the most important item of the custom, used to hunt a beast in order to ensure the year's prosperity. It draws strength from the moons' light, changing its form and giving it an otherworldly glow. 
  • The draught of lance and sky, an arcane beverage that enhances the drinker's best features and allows them to see what others cannot. The drink allows its drinker to become a medium, allowing the gods of eld to inhabit the drinker's body and spirit, guiding the First Hunter until they find a mark. It is said to be an incredibly dense, acrid and poisonous liquid, making it difficult to swallow and putting the drinker's life at risk. Preparation to drink the draught is extensive and painful. 
  • The Moonsinger's regalia, ceremonial clothing that allow for ease of movement rather than protection. The garments consist of a silver robe with light green accents. People joke that this is the most amount of color that the dreary atmosphere of the Duchy will allow. 
  • The Moon Circlet, a purely decorative item that represents the connection between Hunter and the gods invoked during the ritual. The original Circlet, made from Dragon's Fortune, was stolen 53 years ago and has since been replaced with a silver-and-iron replica. The Circlet has inlaid sapphires, with the central and largest one being called the First Hunter's Tear.


The First Hunter is the one in charge of the ceremony. Failure or success depends entirely on their performance during the hunt. 

It is uncommon for the Estis to be absent from the celebrations, as the celebration is one of the more important ones in the Duchy's held traditions. Anyone residing within the Duchy is welcome, no matter their standing within the Church or what their preferred line of work might be.


These rites are exclusively observed in the Duchy of Estus, taking place after the year's beginning and during nights where at least one of the moons is full. If this cannot be guaranteed during the first month of the year, custom dictates to wait for a point in time where it can. The latest the Night of the Moonlance has ever been carried out was the 13th of Snowfall 5 AE due to a combination of poor weather conditions and the month of First Light not having a full moon.
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