Arbressian Campaign Start

Campaign Start


The four adventurers met for the first time (except the twins had already met, obviously).

The twins first met the others in the group in an inn named The Adventure’s Quest. Aon, Noa, Chloe and Sonata were first joined by a halfling ranger who left the group after their first couple of jobs together.   Their first job together was given by Mika’Ela, a short wood elf woman with some streaks of silver in her long black hair. She came rushing into the inn and asked them if they’d be willing to venture outside of the city to find her missing distant relative, a half-elf cleric named Enna.   They found that a large portion of the forest outside of Wadesten was overrun by normal sized spiders. However, upon investigation it turned out that the normal sized spiders were actually babies of a Giant Spider. Tracking to its lair, they found the rest of Enna’s party dead close to a campsite where they had rested. In the spider’s lair, after defeating the Giant Spider, they found several cocoons.   Upon touching one of the cocoons, Noa was attacked by a Shadow and went unconscious. He was saved by his brother and together the group were able to defeat the Shadow without further harm to themselves.   After they defeated the Shadow, they found Enna in one of the remaining cocoons, thankfully still alive. They escorted her back home and the group agreed that they made a good team and should take more jobs together in the future.

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