Vhoorin Tyrneatlarn Character in Ara | World Anvil
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Vhoorin Tyrneatlarn

Vhoorin Tyrneatlarn

Vhoorin is a Woodelf from the land of Daenor.   He was exiled, like Lavanel (who he knew and was very young before he was exiled), from Daenor over 100 years before meeting the Thanes of Order on Pala in the The Spice Islands of Kulubadu. He claimed he was exiled for empathy and care of others.   He told of how he had brought a dying woman into the city and treated her wounds. She would have died without his help. She woke, they fell in love, but she told her family of the city in the forest. Others came and he was exiled. When pressed about the woman he said she was unimportant - another mayfly.   After many years of exile and the death of his love, he was recruited by and took the mark of the Obliviati to acquire some cocoons of the Lavender Salve Moth.

He was foiled in the attempt by the Thanes of Order and, as the penalty for poaching of the moth is death, he was summarily executed by Lavanel with the words:  
I am the judgement where he comes from
Year of Death
1530 PR
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
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