Lavanel Daenorin Character in Ara | World Anvil
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Lavanel Daenorin

Cora Lavanel Daenorin

Daughter of the Taari of Daenor, Lavanel is the heir to the throne of the settlement of Daenor.

She is currently in exile from Daenor after being banished by her parents for introducing strangers to the secret treetop settlement.

Before her banishment she was the Cora of the Guard of Daenor, trusted to protect the settlement from outside influences and threats. She is adept at long range and close up weapon fighting.

She is currently working with the Thanes of Order to restore the broken balance of Ara.

She is known by her companions as 'The Red Princess', which they have also named their ship.  

Divine Domains

Nature is her religion and it is greater than us all

Tenets of Faith

Animals are her kin and they share a love of nature, they are instinctivley drawn to her.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Athletic and Strong

Body Features

Striking scarlet hair and copper skin

Special abilities

She is a Beast Master Ranger. Her attacks are coordinated with her Panther, Apollo.

Apparel & Accessories

Elven Longbow and Sunsword are always on her person. She is accompanied by her loyal Panther Apollo at all times.

Specialized Equipment


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lavanel was born to Nienna Daenorin  and Eärendur Daenorin. She is the heir to the throne of Daenor. Growing up she was groomed to become the protector of the settlement, she lead the Guard as Cora up until her exile.   She plays the flute and is a keen potioner, however is out of practice since she left Daenor and her mentor.   Lavanel was sent to find the cause of recent rise of undead within the Andredsweald. After loitering on the edge of the woodland, she saw a group of travellers get ambushed by Goblins. Her training kicked in and she went to the aid of the travellers. After the fight had ended, she introduced herself and found that these mercenaries were also on the hunt for the cause of the recent upsetting of the balance. Lavanel took these strangers back to her settlement to consult with her family. Although with the help of the strangers, they managed to reseal the tomb of Kanderert, her punishment for bringing the strangers to them was exile. She has now joined the mercenaries to complete her quest of resetting the balance of the world of Ara.   On their journey, they came across an upturned travelling circus, whereby they freed a caged Panther being attacked by the spiders of the Andredsweald. Ever since, the Panther, now called Apollo, travels with them.

Gender Identity



Straight, mainly attracted to Wood Elves


Educated by the scholars of Daenor, Lavanel is very wise, however her formal knowledge and intellegance is lacking as she is very inexperienced of the world outside of Daenor.


Cora of the Guard of Daenor. Heir to the Throne. Thane of Order.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Won 1st place in a challenge event in Mitzu by arranging a flamining arrow to ignite a burning wheel of fire which Apollo then jumped gracefully through.   She can play the flute and was taught by her grandfather, who has passed his flute down to her, which she carries with her everywhere. She likes to play it when she is sad to remind her of better times with her grandfather.

Failures & Embarrassments

Very naive to the world and is essentially going through puberty. She is currently failing to look for a romantic partner.

Mental Trauma

Exile, mainly.

Intellectual Characteristics

She is keen to learn about herbs and alchemy. In Daenor she was being taught by Massil, the local potion maker how to mix plants and herbs to create poisons for her arrows.    She also worked closely with Gaelin on creating healing potions.   She loves to learn and is a quick study, she has an ambition to master languages.

Personality Characteristics


She has pledged to restore the balance in the world as part of the Thanes of Order. She needs to prove that she has protected the forest from harm to try and regain her place in the villiage. If she saves the world, she'll save all the forests within it. She is hoping this is enough to get back to Daenor.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She has military style training as Cora of the Guard. She is good with strategy, but sometimes impulsive.

Likes & Dislikes

She likes to sing and play her flute. She dislikes being in social situations she doesnt understand (usually with anyone but Elves).    She is enjoying learning to sail with Gamble

Virtues & Personality perks

Kind like her mother, strong like her father, who she is keen to impress. She is compassionate and likes to lead, but also understands the need to follow.

Vices & Personality flaws

Whilst she is fairly intelligent and educated, she doesnt have the best 'street smarts' and her socail skills around anyone other than elves is lacking.


Contacts & Relations

Non existent relationship with her parents, she has an ally named Sauriel  who was her best friend in Daenor. She is deperate to get back in touch with her.

Family Ties

She is estranged from her mother Nienna Daenorin and father Eärendur Daenorin. She has no other siblings.

Religious Views

Nature is her religion

Social Aptitude

She isn't very charismatic when speaking to other races, she has only ever been around Elves so she finds some of the social situations she's been put in outside of the forest very uncomfortable. She is confident and happy to speak her mind, but it doesnt always land well with whomever she is speaking to.

Hobbies & Pets

Apollo is her animal companion, she enjoys training alongside him so they can make a better fighting team.


Wealth & Financial state

She left Daenor with little, although her family is wealthy. She has since earned her share of various treasure hoards whilst with the Thanes of Order

Exciled princess of Daenor, Wood Elf Ranger travelling with her friends to reset the world balance

View Character Profile
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Princess of Daenor
Date of Birth
1384 PR
Year of Birth
1384 PR 150 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Elven, Dwarvish, Celestial, Common