Sundro Khem Character in Ara | World Anvil
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Sundro Khem

Sundro Khem was a mountain dwarf sorceror and a Magus, assistant and right hand man to the High Magus of Ebrion, Elorin Felter.   He has cropped, wavy, red hair and blue eyes. He has rugged brown skin. He stands 114cm tall and has an athletic build. He has a sharp, common face with a gigantic, braided beard. He has incredibly long fingers. Wears an earring in his left ear.   He doesn't worship any god. He is always talking of fair play and the example of modesty. He always carries food in his pockets. Seems friendly and welcoming. This is a veneer. He has been an Obliviati sleeper agent all his life.   His treachery was reveal when the Thanes of Order discovered him in a secret Obliviati lair. He attack the party, but was killed by Karnak before he could reveal any secret information.
1436 PR 1534 PR 98 years old
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