Salenis Vendari Character in Ara | World Anvil
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Salenis Vendari

Salenis Vendari (a.k.a. Chain-Breaker)

Salenis Vendari is a human mage.    Vendari is first encountered by the Thanes of Order whilst working as the Reeve for Lord L’Ornblake-Feldspar in Ornblake.   Upon first meeting, Vendari has tidily swept back dirty blond hair and long dirty blond moustache. Lean. Wears long dark brown, well-tailored robe. His appearence gets steadily more bedraggled as he is forced to live a more itinerant life at the whim of the Obliviati.   Ostensibly charming, he used his silver tongue to manipulate the Lord and people of Ornblake. It is discovered, through an ill-placed letter remnant, that he has been co-coordinating with a local band of Orcs to form a protection racket of the village. For this, he tricks the people into paying a heavy tithe to the Orcs, from which he takes the lion's share.   When scuppered in this by the Thanes of Order, Vendari grows to hate them. This intervention cuts of the funding he needed to find the Temple of the Balanced Energies. Fortunately for him, the Orcs strike pay-dirt pretty soon after. Vendari captures Nieve Tollund to sacrifice her on the altar and release Cherog, breaking the Balance. He is not successful in totally destroying the Balance, however, due to intervention by the Thanes.   It is later discovered that Vendari is not operating alone, but as a part of an organisation known as the Obliviati. They are determined to destroy the elemental balance and restore Chaos to existence.    He is later encountered in Kelador, meeting with other Obliviati.   It is in Kalvak where he is next encountered, leading a rebellion/uprising of an oppressed class under the pseudonym of 'The Chain Breaker'.    The most recent encounter with Vendari was in Mitzu. Vendari had been involved in a plot with Vaki Sani to create an isolated bubble of existence in Mitzu would continue unhindered whilst all else fell to Chaos. Whilst on a mission to destroy the beacon creating the bubble, the Thanes overhead him speaking with a Slaad high in the Obliviati ranks, angered at his failure and denying him a desired 'ascension'.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Salenis Vendari studied and Alforth College of the University of Kelador in Kelador.   His studies focussed on attaining immortality, a motivation that would consume his future life. Whilst there, he befriended Thiliam Abard and Amilya Grayheart who were studying similar work. Vendari's focus was on acquiring immortality through association with powerful beings.    As a part of this research, Vendari went on an expedition with Grayheart to the Sorcerer's Tower of a wizard who had apparently had some success with the quest for immortality. Whilst there, Grayheart became trapped in a bottle. With all their other companions dead, Vendari abandoned her and fled. Though not before stealing some of the wizards notes mentioning a shadowy organisation that had approached him called the Obliviati.   Little is known about the time between this and when Vendari encountered the Thanes of Order in Ornblake. It is known he was there based on information or orders from the Obliviati to find the Lost Temple of the Balanced Energies.
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