Vaki Sani Character in Ara | World Anvil
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Vaki Sani

Vaki Sani was the Isika (leader) of the Kikani Iparak of the islands of Kita.    Sani served causing little remark for 5 years, save for guiding heavily isolationist policies in Mitzu. However, behind the scenes she was a master manipulator and political game-player. This is how she rose to be an Isika at a fairly young age.    In 1534, Sani launched a coup in association with the Obliviati. Sani attempted to make it appear that Koyama Hisa of the Azumani was plotting against the Emperor Hinonanba's life. When Hinonanba returned to the Cerulean Palace as a silver dragon, she had him slain and blamed the dragon and the Azumani for his death. She also murdered Hisa to cover her tracks, a technique the Thanes noticed. With the disappearance of Hinonila and Ando, she proclaimed herself Empress and took credit for the recapture of the Eye of Mercannan and the end of the 'Seclusion'.   Meanwhile, Sani had organised for the Obliviati to place Mitzu in a 'bubble plane' to remain isolated whilst the rest of the material plane was brought into chaos. Whilst Sani had no empathy with the Obliviati cause, she did desire the total isolation of Mitzu in its own plane of existence, freeing Mitzu forever from the infiltration of outside influence.    The Thanes killed Sani as a part of the rescue of Hinonila and Ando.
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