Sacrarium of Water Building / Landmark in Ara | World Anvil
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Sacrarium of Water

The Sacrarium of Water is the location build to contain the Ring of the Maelstrom. It is located in a high mountain on the island of Karta in Mitzu.

Purpose / Function

This construction was created to house one of the most powerful magical items of Ara, the Ring of the Maelstrom. This ring, holding in it the connection to the Elemental Plane of Water and the Material Plane.   Following the Catastrophe, the continent of Mitzuinia lay in ruins. As society rebuilt itself on the remaining islands, an unknown sect, responsible for saving the most precious artefacts of ante-diluvian Mitzu, decided it was important to create a new home for the Ring, to prevent it falling into fell hands. This home would serve to both protect the artefact and challenge any who came to retrieve it.    This sect retained the former civilisation's knowledge of prophecy and built the Sacrarium accordingly, so it might best serve its purpose. To protect the ring from being reclaimed by the ocean, they placed it high in a mountain place, though over centuries, the ring drew water to itself, as was accounted for in the design.   It was believed it should not be collected save by the Thanes of Order, and so, in reference to the prophecy, they designed a protective location that should challenge even them.   To enable the location to be found when required, they linked the design of the under construction Cerulean Palace and the Eye of Mercannan, another revered artefact, to emit a guiding beam of light upon the predicted day of the Thanes requiring it to shine upon the entrance.


The Sacrarium is carved from the natural rock inside the mountain. It was designed to be flooded and drained to navigate through it.
Founding Date
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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