The Free Land Hunters. Ethnicity in Apraxia | World Anvil
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The Free Land Hunters.

The life of a Hunter can be one of great adventure, often leading to riches, fame, and DEATH! * cough* occupational Hazards. Only the best and bravest can become hunters and beyond. Hmm, you want to be a hunter? you don't want to be on Welfare, Food Stamps and disability the rest of your life you say? Good!because we don't offer them to punk ass, limp wrist, no nipple having Maggots! such as yourselves. You're gonna Earn! those nipples MAGGOT!. First if your gonna be the protector of the world at large you better be smart, so when every child reaches the age of 5 they are inducted into a resident Hunter school, there are several large and well known schools, but you can be certified at a small local school, but good luck getting dates, when your from Digaditch Academy. Now regardless if the student wishes to become a hunter or not, all children are sent. If you're gonna live you need information, Simply walking out of your door can be the deadliest mistake of your life.   If the child in question survives till 13 they will be given the choice of their curriculum there they will choose their own classes to fit one's interest. If mostly Hunters classes are taken young Hunters will be subjected to various test trials and tribulations. and once upon graduation the hunter will be a free agent unless contracted early (so it is common for students to seek connections so they have the resources to fund themselves before heading off, but it is hard out there for a newbie and there are 1000+ others who are also looking for that so you better be the best)   There are 3 ways to make your paycheck.   Bounties- Anyone can take these, as they are usually posted by the common people or maybe a company. Prices range from the difficulty of the hunt.   Contracts- Made by employers of Hunters unlike Bounties Contract hunters get a set pay every time.   Guild/Clan Missions- A mix of the two above but you Hunt more for the Fame and prosperity of the Guild/Clan then the money as the Guild or Clan Provides for food and board.   If one plays it smart, you may live to advance out of basic hunter rank. Which of course allows you to take the best jobs and get the most out of them whether it be money, fame or just peace of mind for your local community.   Hunter Ranks Fledgling- This is the Bottom of the Bottom, Fledgling is rank you are given at preschool and you will keep this rank till you graduate.   Hunter- So you didn't drop out of magic kindergarten good you are now a Hunter be proud. You’re so good you may want to consider joining the Survey Corp.   Veteran- ....O BawHaha heeeyyyyyy look who's alive, WHat!? O don't give me that look, You survived I knew you had it in you. Whether though skill or time you became a veteran hunter, many don't make it here and fewer move passed it, maybe you should consider retirement and become a teacher.   Slayer- Holy shit, you actually continued and brought down a beast so strong that they were labeled S rank......Sheeettt.....Several you say, psh whatever, hey maybe you'll become a legend someday if you keep dreaming like that.   Legend- “O hi, I'm their child........they passed away unfortunately but before they passed, they always said how proud of you they were, and always worried if you'd come back.....I wondered what was so special about you for a long time, but now I see, you aren't just a person with talent or a knack for killing things, you are a hero so many lives were saved thanks to you and...and .....we will never forget ....I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you......your hunt is over."


Culture and cultural heritage

Started by the Lemurian they were the most adapted to life with low magic and technology so when the fall happened they done so as they always have, adapt and fight. Soon others who needed there skills sought them out for survival and in time they became a new group of people and when the governements finally had power to rule again the once scattered tribe had become a new people. a small nation onto themselves focused on survival and glory.

Common Dress code

Hunters usually have accessories or clothing made from beast they hunt.

Art & Architecture

Architecture of there houses are often sturdy huts with spiked edges, walls, or fences around it to provide an extra level of protection from random creatures.


Beauty Ideals

Physical perfection is often reached for not allow sickness anywhere near them.

Gender Ideals

Theirs no difference between man or woman when it comes to the hunt, during the Fall creatures came for easy meals first and if you were weak you died, so to fight back everyone had to remain strong a single weak link ensured disaster.

Courtship Ideals

Certain prerequisites are personal to the person being courted but both parties must show there worth if there is to be children born.
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