The Aotran Star System Geographic Location in Aotra | World Anvil
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The Aotran Star System

Two stars, referred to as Bluestar and Redstar, make up the binary star system that surrounds Aotra. Aotra orbits around Redstar, the smaller of the two stars. Bluestar is much larger and hotter than Redstar, but its distance from Aotra spares the planet from much of its heat and radiation.
  The Aotran star system defines Aotra's seasons. The planet has very little axial tilt, so it experiences no true seasons. Rather, for roughly half of each year, Aotra experiences its solar summer, a period in which Aotra is positioned in between Bluestar and Redstar. During the solar summer, Aotra experiences no true night; rather, Bluestar shines upon one side of the planet while Redstar shines on the other. A narrow band of twilight forms during the solar summer depending on the planet's position relative to both stars, and these few hours of dim light are the closest thing to darkness the planet knows during the time.
  Due to Aotra's many moons, the planet sees frequent eclipses.
Star System


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