Pureblack Ethnicity in Aogua | World Anvil
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Pureblack is a selftitle of Syreni who went black (dejected to one of the Blacksites to escape the city) - most of them did so out of their own volition and not because they had to - and have sworn off any contact with the City of Aogua.   Most of Blacksites residents survive by trading with the city but Pureblack have their own economy, usually they have their own currency or use other models of trading (communist communities aren't uncommon as well)

Naming Traditions

Family names

Most Pureblacks left their families and communities behind and with it their last names. Now they just go by their first names or use Pureblack or Black as their last name to show outsiders which community they belong to (although their contact with people outside of their community is rather limited)


Shared customary codes and values

Live and let live is a common motto. But although they are much more open and accepting in some ways (regarding gender and sexuality) they are much more rigid in others (non-intellectuals, workers, heterosexuals)

Art & Architecture

Although they often struggle to keep afloat on their own, they are a hub for artists of all kinds. Some of the most incredible art is produced in these communities which they sometimes share amongst each other but rarely do citizens of the City of Aogua get to see them. Which makes them all the more valuable for bandits and raiders.


Beauty Ideals

They reject everything that the city stands for and with that their beauty standards. That goes so far that some Syreni who are traditionally handsome or beautiful are even looked down upon.

Gender Ideals

Many Purblack left their homes because of their sexuality or genderidentity. Being able to live out who you are and what you like without fear of prosecution and shame is a huge appeal of the Pureblack. A large part of their communities are transgender, genderfluid, homosexual, bisexual and otherwise.

Relationship Ideals

Monogomous relationships are still number one. If polyamorous relationships are frowned down upon or not is decided by the specific community you are part of.


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