The Ferrymen Military Formation in Anvimar | World Anvil

The Ferrymen

Brun sheathed his sword and looked to the window. The streets were quiet outside, despite the commotion. The watchman remained at his post on the corner, half dozing, as he'd been when they entered the manse. He glanced back to the body of Lord Vesper where it had collapsed, a foot from its head, after his killing stroke. Lada was taking care of placing the silver coins in the mouth, ensuring the vampire wouldn't rise again. She was efficient as ever. He returned his gaze to the street.   A hand at his shoulder shoulder told him Tarynn was close. The knight dabbled in the ways of sorcerers and liked to remain unseen. Tarynn's voice was at Brun's ear, "It's done. You can relax. All is as it should be and in a moment we'll be gone."   Brun shook off their hand with a snort. He'd been a Ferryman too long and had too many missions go wrong to get cocky at the last minute. He looked back out to the empty street.   Something wasn't right.   "Brun," Lada's voice was urgent, "what's this?"   A mist was growing on the floor. It was circling their feet, then their calves, climbing quickly.   "Brun—" Lada tried to speak, but as she did the mist filled her mouth, choking her. Brun started to move, not knowing how to help. She collapsed before he crossed the room to her and the mist overtook her body. He wanted to call to Tarynn, ask if they were still here, but after what had just happened he dared not open his mouth.   A deep chuckling filled the room.
  The Ferrymen are the elite among the Order of the Needle. Not simply soldiers or officers, the Ferrymen may be powerful warriors, but they are also skilled subterfuge, social ettiquette and persuasion. They hunt the enemy living within society. Vampires walking among the upper class, necromancers hiding behind a pious king, demons working under the guise of mortals. They work to maintain peace in the shadows and keep mortalkind safe from dangers of which they are unaware.   The Ferrymen are accountable only to the Order of the Needle. They try to avoid encounters with local constabulary as much as possible. Officials can only get in the way and most will not understand the horrors with which the Ferrymen contend. In service to Waymein, they protect the souls of this realm from those who have perverted the rightful passage or are from beyond.
Special Forces
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

Cover image: Korinthia by Hex Sharpe


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