ASC Member - Kahuna The Elder

Grandmaster KahunaTheElder

Kahuna The Elder
Kahuna the Elder aka Leo - Creator of Arnathia



Broadcast Topics

worldbuilding, Storytelling, RPG, Creativity, Art

Channel Summary

Currently, The Kahuna (me) is streaming live three times a week:   Sundays: Kahuna Reads. 4p PT, 7p ET, 11p UTC - Hear World Anvil articles voice acted out live on stream! Want to hear yours? Drop a link in the #kahuna-reads Discord channel on Kahuna the Elder's server: Click Here For Your Invite   Tuesdays: Kahuna HELP!!! 4p PT, 7p ET, 11p UTC - Need help with a SummerCamp prompt? Can't figure out how to fill a plot hole? Just looking for shenaniganery?   Fridays: Live From The Kahuna Lair. 11a PT, 2p ET, 6p UTC - Who knows what'll happen on this stream?! We'll have fun, talk worldbuilding, see what the Kahuna has been working, and as always, enjoy some shenaniganery.

Also Known As

Kahuna The Elder

Catch Me on Discord

KahunaTheElder 20/33#1428


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