Ignei: Brimstone and Powder Document in Animus Extortus | World Anvil

Ignei: Brimstone and Powder

The powdersmiths of Ignei are among the most talented and innovative across all of Eynoria. Fire, Brimstone, and detonating Powder are the very cornerstones and tenants of their faith. With so many local guilds in the region, standardization is impossible, but what these masters of the flintlock lack in uniformity, they more than make up for in creativity and technical brilliance...
— Preface to the 792 Era of Spirits publication of Ignei: Brimstone and Powder.


Ignei: Brimstone and Powder is a series of publications exploring the technical expertise, design philosophies, and artisan traditions of powdersmiths hailing from the greater Ignei region. It also details many of the more common forms and variations of the rapidly evolving flintlock firearms and powder artillery produced in the region, as well as many key differences between Ignei manufactured weapons and similar weapons produced elsewhere on the continent of Eynoria.   It was originally intended so that powdersmiths from other regions would become more able to innovate and break the region's monopoly on high quality flintlocks, but it has arguably only increased the demand for Ignei firearms.

Document Structure


New publications frequently reference and quote from older versions, highlighting the changes that have occurred in the intervening years. It also draws from professional and technical manuals from Ignei and abroad, for purposes of illustration and comparison.

Publication Status

This publication's accessibility varies by culture, region, and jurisdiction. Across Ignei and the former Dragaeyn Empire, for example, it is completely outlawed. Across most of the regions of Aaltiera and Cossastjan, as well as the southerly Ikarrian Isles, jurisdictions freely allow the circulation and public consumption of the publication. Counties held by the Order of the Raven even encourage it's circulation for the purposes of developing better flintlocks for it's knights. Most of the other regions impose restrictions on the circulation of the publication.

Legal status

It is difficult to get the many Patricians and Republics of the Ignei region to work together, but out of a sense of protectionism and jealously they have all forbade the possession and publication of these documents, as well as conspiracy to possess or publish these documents. Individuals believed to be spying on Ignei powdersmiths, or conspiring to spy on Ignei powdersmiths are likely to be executed, innocent or not, typically by firing squad or kneeling in front of a light cannon.   The story is similar in the lands of the former Dragaeyn Empire, where each and every individual jurisdiction stubbornly maintains that their powdersmiths are the very best in the entire world. Mere possession of a copy is a capital offence.   Other regions hold that readership and possession is legal. Some extend this to all literate individuals, others restrict it to licensed powdersmiths, guilds, or nobility.

Historical Details


This publication has been updated and re-published many times over many years by many different authors, as firearm technology has evolved and the fashions and philosophies of the Ignei powdersmiths have changed over the years.
Manual, Professional Skills
Authoring Date
771 Era of Spirits

Cover image: by Dutrius


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