Powder Material in Animus Extortus | World Anvil


I love the smell of burnt powder in the morning.
— Ignei musketeer
  "Powder" is the colloquial name name of a variety of powdered explosives of similar composition and character. Powder typically finds use in blasting charges for mining and quarrying, and as propellant for flintlock firearms and cannon artillery. Powder has become ubiquitous throughout Eynoria as a force to quite literally re-shape the world.


Material Characteristics

It is a black powder. Depending on manufacturing method, the powder can be fine, or made up of grains of mixed sized. Some manufacturers have begun pressing Powder into higher density cakes.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Gunpowder is highly flammable and ignites at a low temperature. It burns rapidly enough to create an explosion when sealed or partially sealed. Powder, especially when made with low quality nitre, is hydroscopic and will readily absorb water from it's environment causing incomplete burns or failure to ignite. Some powders can separate during transport, requiring re-mixing before use.

Origin & Source

Powder is a mixture of nitre, brimstone and charcoal in varying proportions. The exact composition varies according to manufacturer and intended purpose (blasting vs propellant). Nitre almost always makes up the majority of the powder.

Life & Expiration

The nitre component is hydroscopic, especially when impure, and will readily absorb water from the air. This can be reversed by drying out the powder by gentle heating.

History & Usage


It is unknown who first discovered powder or where. Vague mentions of explosive powders have been found throughout history, dating as far back as 1200 Era of Man. Powder as we currently know it was discovered in 341 Era of Spirits by an unnamed apothecary devising new medicines. Their initial batch must have been large, because an explosion demolished the entire building, damaged it's neighbors, and killed several people. No fire was started, and the recipe was recovered, albeit stained with black soot.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Powder, and by extension firearms, are becoming increasingly prevalent in Eynorian art and culture, as both a force of war, death and destruction, and also a force to re-shape the world as man sees fit.   Powder is especially important to the people of Ignei. Used to the frequent tremors and minor eruptions in the region, powder has taken on a religious significance, finding frequent use in sermons and ceremonies, as well as frequent launching of fireworks. The powdersmiths of Ignei are famous across Eynoria, both for the high quality of the powder they produce, and their myriad variations of flintlock firearms and cannons.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

Powder produces significant amounts of noise, smoke and soot when burnt. This makes it very obvious when a flintlock or cannon is fired nearby.


Powder is extremely easy to ignite. A stray spark or open flame can easily cause a premature detonation. Powder produces significant amounts of smoke and soot when burnt, and can pose a breathing hazard in large quantities.


Trade & Market

Powder is primarily produced and sold by Powdersmiths and their guilds. Some apothecaries and private citizens also produce powder for both commercial and personal use.


Powder, in both loose grain and pressed cake forms, is typically stored in small pouches, or in barrels for bulk transport.These are typically waterproofed and barrels are often airtight to prevent the absorption of water during transport or storage.

Law & Regulation

Due to the dangerous, explosive nature of powder, the production, transport and ownership of powder is nearly universally regulated in one way or another. In some regions, a healthy black market exists in the production of powder and flintlocks in an attempt to bypass these regulations.   Restrictions vary from region to region, but in most regions citizens may purchase and possess small quantities of powder for personal use. Powder may only be produced and sold under a license. Known criminals may have their powder confiscated and restricted from purchasing it. Some towns and cities ban both powder and flintlocks within their boundaries, while some others ban just one or the other.   Ignei is unique in which citizens (and only citizens) may purchase as much powder as they wish, but production and sale is strictly limited to the powerful Powdersmith Guilds. Non-citizens may not purchase powder at all in most parts of Ignei.
Slightly sulphurous
Black or dark brown


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