Shard of the Deciever Item in Animia | World Anvil
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Shard of the Deciever

Wonderous item, legendary, requires attunement Any creature that touches this item with their bare flesh/fur/feathers (etc.) must make a DC 20 CHA saving throw or become instantly attuned to it and lose attunement to all other magic items. A creature cannot attune to other items (except other shards) while attuned to this item.   While attuned to this item, your Charisma score becomes 20, unless it is already higher. You also gain expertise in the Deception skill. As an action, you can cast the disguise self spell at-will and have advantage on any checks made to pass yourself off as a different person. While attuned to this object you feel as though you could talk your way out of any situation.   The shard was once part of the goddess Launa, and still contains a fraction of her essence. The magical item can change shape, and will often do so when left alone. It changes shape imperceptibly: one moment it will appear as a necklace, the next as an egg, but even the careful observor will not recall seeing it transition. It's default state is a green glass shard with one round and two jagged edges.
Item type
Creation Date
824 AE
Current Location
Owning Organization


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