Sredina Geographic Location in Angepella | World Anvil
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A river valley that lies between the Sviatol and Nornland, Sredina has been a contested region for as long as can be remembered. While part of the High Kingdom under Volhag, it was conquered by a Nornish High Chief during the Long Night, but declared independence later and restored it's noble lineage. While it is a land flush with forests and grasslands and a great river flowing through it, Sredina's populace has always struggled. Crops frequently suffer blights and monsters roam in greater numbers here than in most settled regions, and when added to the geopolitical struggles that Sredina finds itself thrust into it results in a country that has been plagued many times. Recent developments have greatly eased the worries of farmers and merchants, but the Lords of Sredina are wary of the political tensions of the time and see the ire and hunger with which other factions direct towards them. Since the construction of the dam at Purity's Hold, the lands down river from the ancient city have flourished. Not a field lies fallow, and with each harvest comes more and greater crops than the last. Children are born stronger and healthier, and the the sick are more likely to recover. Since the Choir of Angels is credited with this achievement, many of Sredina's people have fervently converted to the choir. However, erection of the dam is also credited with creating, or at least expanding, the Blighted Bog and those displaced or disenfrachised are very resentful of the choir.


The river feeds the grasslands and fields, while tendrils of forest creeping down from the hills and mountains. A lake surrounded by swamps lies in the northwest, with more wetlands following the river north till in hits the hills and mountains that mark the edge of the region.
Alternative Name(s)
The Border Kingdom, The Lonesome Valley, The Plagued Country, Kirottujok
Included Locations

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