Andara The official end to the Northern Conflict
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The official end to the Northern Conflict

Diplomatic action


The agreement between the North and South to no longer be at war, although the two sides had not engaged in combat in over 10 months.

The End of the conflict came 3 years after it had begun. After a period of quiet after Tiberius' last battle the Northern council and Crown advisers sent letters agreeing to return to an arrangement that the North would send tax shipments and agree to obey the main Crown Laws, but in return the North would have the right to enforce their own rules and laws as well as not have to supply soldiers to the King for expeditionary forces. The North also ceded control of Ridgemot, which had been abandoned for the last year anyway. The agreement also said that House Ewart could remain in power in The North, with House Ewart acting as the governing house, on the understanding they would not move against the crown again.

Related Location
The North
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