Kisjan Organization in Anacra | World Anvil


bisai di arcaniss!   A covert sect of students who meet in secret beneath the academy, the Kisjan--"meeting" in draconic--believe that it's wrong for the mages of Ioth Academy to stay in their golden sphere while the world outside suffers.


As befits a rebellious group of teenagers, the Kisjan has no official organizational structure. Sventisko  is in charge and she seems to get orders and ideas from someone outside the academy. The rest of the group follows her solely based on her charisma and belief in her vision.


Aside from egalitarian philosophy, much of the Kisjan's culture is informed by the teachings and traditions of the Dragon Tribes, particularly Vutazon, the Blue Dragon Tribe, and Bothotlo, the Copper Dragon Tribe. Loyalty and order, wit and cunning, honor and wisdom. Some day, these conflicting virtues may cause confusion and strife within the Kisjan, but youth and enthusiasm hold this philosophical dissonance at bay--for now.     Unlike The Codex, the Kisjan does not have a formal creed or code. It does have a few closely held beliefs.    
  • Those with power have an obligation to use it to help the powerless
  • Any authority who doesn't use that authority to help others, is illegitimate
  • Ioth has the most magic and power of anyone, so he has the most obligation to the world
  • Ioth and his staff haven't used their power to help the world, so they must be convinced to use that power, or that power should be revoked.
  There's also a sense of reverence for the wisdom of dragons. Dearest to the Kisjan is the story of the Dragons of the World Before, who scoured the Dawn World of the Infernals. That whole story is a symbol of the power of magic to defeat evil, and something the Kisjan believe will happen again some day.

Public Agenda

Persuade the Academy and its leaders to use their power to vanquish the Infernals and help those languishing under their authority.


Up until recently, the Kisjan had a secret lair in a fallen tower in the Undercroft. It was compromised in a battle against Redcaps.   They also have a mysterious patron outside the academy who provides them with information, supplies and magic.


Ever since a traumatic experience in her first year, Sventisko's inquisitive, playful nature has changed. She's focused, determined, rigorously pursuing more and more powerful magic, and with each passing year she's become more outspoken among her fellow students about the obligations of power and the purpose of magic. 
Early on she started wearing copper bracelets as a sign of her heritage with the Bothotlo tribe of Okarthel. Soon, like-minded students--even those not from her homeland--wore the bracelets, showing their belief that Ioth Academy has a duty to the outside world and to overthrow the Infernals
Last year Sventisko found a way to sneak out of the Academy's golden sphere, and when she came back she brought the blue sash of Vutazon loyalists and a host of new ideas, along with news of the outside world. Every time she goes out into the refugee camp she returns more determined than ever, and shares her news with the rest of her friends
They didn't have a name for themselves at first, but gather in secret in the Undercroft, the alchemical dumping grounds at the very bottom of the academy. Everyone in this group has been picking up bits and pieces of the draconic tongue, and overtime the word for these meetings-- "Kisjan" came to represent them all

bisai di arcaniss! -- The Duty of Magic.

Founding Date
Political, Activist
Neighboring Nations


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