Dawn Magic Physical / Metaphysical Law in Anacra | World Anvil

Dawn Magic

Before there were four kingdoms, Anacra was a single morphic reality: the Dawn World . It was a land of will, vision, and substance, and the three were bound and woven together. By sheer desire and purpose, a sentient mind could alter the elements, create whatever they envisioned from the sheer stuff of Dawn. This is how the First Minds built their legendary city, Luminias, from spires of light and pillars of music.   When the Firmament was raised and the Dawn World separated into the Four Kingdoms, this power was used to change creation. The Dawn was over, and its light woven into the new planes of existence. But pockets of this light remain, scattered throughout creation. By pulling these reserves of Dawn Energy to overlap with the Four Kingdoms, it is possible to temporarily relive the Days of Dawn, using that power to call forth the elements, reshape the world, and change Will into Reality.   This art was first taught to the mortal peoples by Ioth, who survived the fall of Luminias and wandered the Four Kingdoms with his companions, seeking any trace of the lost world he loved. Other Alfar build their refuges upon reserves of Dawn Energy, preserving it and using it sparingly to create their greatest works.  


  • Dawn Magic is inherently creative. It reacts to willpower (Psychic Energy) and can convert into any form of energy. Once converted, it cannot be changed back.
  • Anyone can use Dawn Magic if they gain access to it, even if they have no magical training whatsoever. That said, someone who's studied Dawn Magic carefully and has well practiced control of their own mind will undoubtedly have the advantage.
  • Dawn Magic is a finite resource -- no new Dawn Magic is being generated.
  • Dawn magic reacts violently when exposed to Void. The power of Creation and Negation annihilate each other, resulting in a destructive blast.

Methods & Practices

  • Because it is a finite resource, there are only a handful of actual Dawn Magic "Practitioners." 
  • The Alfar build their Refuges on the remaining pockets of Dawn Magic, guarding it jealously.
  • Ioth and the other Children of Luminias who remember the Dawn are/were the foremost masters of its usage.


  • Dawn magic can be found in hidden pockets throughout the Four Kingdoms, albeit very rarely and in short supply.
  • Each of the major Alfar refuges is built on a Dawn Pocket
  • Ioth Academy is built on a Dawn Pocket.
  • The legendary Book of Dawn, created by Ioth, was a resevoir of Dawn Magic.
Metaphysical, Arcane

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