The Forgotten Isles Geographic Location in Amion | World Anvil
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The Forgotten Isles

True to their name, little is known about the Forgotten Isles, a misty archipelago to the north of Amion, east of the island chain home to the Haven Pirates. Almost no official records exist of the Isles; for centuries, they were hidden beneath The Shroud. Around 785, the heavy mist faded, revealing the once forgotten islands. They still suffer from heavy fog, shrouding most of the low-lying areas, though the mountainous islands peer through the mist in many places.


The Forgotten Isles are made up of around a dozen larger, mountainous islands, surrounded by countless smaller islands, stretching across a large region of Amion's northern oceans. They stretch from a short distance east of the islands home to Haven at their westernmost point, towards Baedr Archipelago in the east.


The Forgotten Isles are largely freezing, at least the parts that reach through the low-lying mists. Beneath the cover of the fog, however, the islands are closer to hospitable temperatures. This dichotomy has allowed a wide range of species to make their homes in the region, from mountain dwelling creatures in the high peaks, to all manner of forest animals in the more humid areas in the lowlands. Owing to the archipelago's mountainous nature, large cave systems can be found beneath, housing yet more creatures, both typical and unusual.


What few records exist are guarded in the most secure libraries of the Kingdom of Avalyra and the Tocurian Dynasty. They speak of the Forgotten Isles originally being called Etyria, and being home to the very first human settlements in Amion. However, this is where the similarities between the countries' records end.   Avalyra hold that the region was created by the goddess Etyx, shortly after her birth, as a haven for herself, and the creatures she created. She is said to have hidden in the misty valleys while the first humans built their homes and settlements, before installing herself as ruler over the land as they began to spread across the world. Long before the foundation of the two kingdoms, it is said Etyx drew The Shroud across the islands, hiding them from mortal and divine interference.   Scholars in Tiarun believe in a similar, yet fundamentally different version of events. Their rejection of Avalyran beliefs has given rise to the legend of a group of powerful dragons that called Etyria home. It is said they allowed the first humans to build and thrive there, in return for their servitude. While many gave into this way of living, some fled the islands, and began to populate the main continent.
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