The Vaarak Winterlands Geographic Location in Amerielle | World Anvil
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The Vaarak Winterlands

Snow is hard, but so is life.

Wild and untamed. Magical. And hard. The people from here are hard.   They often say, “Trees:die, rocks:break, but the Vaarak never move.”   Religion Many religious organization send their paladins here to be forged in the ice. The Vaarak themselves tend to be more Vodun, while they ascribe to one belief they tend to eschew any kind of formalized religion and instead believe that man can not capture a god in a painting, a totem, or a single name.   They tend to organize tribally and be lead by power by power. However, it is often the women who ran classical Vaarak tribes, the men tired from hunting turned the more delicate and political duties over to their wives. War may have been fought by men, but it was the women who gripped the spear.   The tribes Generally have a Vaa which means the Head in Vaarak, generally a tribal chieftess. She is generally surrounded by the women of the tribe, the Vaisto (which means the instinct or reason) as advisors.. The remaining men would form a loose army to fight for the Vaa.   Major exports are whale and whale blubber, logs and firs. The people tend to be trappers, loggers, or fishers.     The Earl of Clarkhold holds a large part of this. Janus Vulmar


Snow. Trees. Grass when it gets warm which quickly gets swallowed up by snow again.
“Trees:die, rocks:break, but the Vaarak never move.”
Alternative Name(s)
The Wilds
Forest, Boreal (Coniferous)
Inhabiting Species

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