2022-11-02 - Home Sweet Skytower Report Report in Amerielle | World Anvil
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2022-11-02 - Home Sweet Skytower Report

General Summary

  • Fought a two Remorhazes
  • Patched up Lightning Bolt after she and Applejack dealt with the third of the young centipede creatures
  • Entered Skytower and met Arn the Chiefton
  • Hung out with Thuni and her friends and did drugs - well not Adriel.
  • Rested up a bit and then went to the feast.
  • Lots of drinking and roasted meat
  • Vega gets given a title and a necklace of White dragon teeth and is declared Son of Skytower
  • Vega made a big show “Starchaser” uses his starform to show off what he is capable of now and he embarrassed Archer, a rival of his.
  • Harad and Shadow talk about Coconut and talk in Giant
  • Adrial went Invisible check out what happen - Archers been talking shit, but people aren't buying it now
  • Grom brags with the Goliaths about all the things the party has been doing
  • A drunk Arn wants Vega to embarrass the chieftain of Wrymdoom Crag by stealing her cape.
  • Arn says the reason they don't get along is because of an overwhelming victory in Goatball where his father embarassed Wrymdoom. This lead to Wrymdoom sending hunters in to kill a griffon.
  • However, Arns mother, Kaniaka, said this likely had more to do with a young girl getting maimed by the griffon while chasing a runaway ball.
  • "Two wrongs don't make a right."
  • Vega sees goatball as a way to bring the people together.

Rewards Granted

2022-11-02 | Home Sweet Skytower | Adriel, Vegathal, Grom, Shadow | 3600xp (Combat - Remohraz) + 3000xp (RP - Arn, Thuni and the drugs, Party, Starchaser, Harad & Coconut, The story of the dead Griffon) = 6600xp (1650xp per)
Rime of the Frostmaiden
Vegathal Gathakunta
Shadow of the Winds of the Nantō-bu Isles
NG Tabaxi (Far Traveler)
Rogue 1
Ranger 1
18 / 18 HP
Report Date
02 Nov 2022


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