2021-02-24 - The Room with Five Corners Report in Amerielle | World Anvil
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2021-02-24 - The Room with Five Corners

General Summary

Our heroes, Jori, Hurmi, Cassius, and Harry were called to a meeting with Tillie Devine who was hellbent on disrupting the work of her rival Kate. Recently, she'd learned of a warehouse that she wanted investigated and while they were there, a certain item "acquired."   The item? An innocuous little thing, a blank notebook. Inside it's pages, however, some danger manifested itself. The notebook was considered a dangerous weapon capable of killing a man from continents away. A prize, Tillie most certainly felt she needed.   All this information had come to Tillie through a recent defector, a half-elf who had previously been part of Kate's gang. She encouraged the group to speak with him to learn the fine details of the mission.   That conversation did not go well. They groped him, but he still spilled the information. He told them about a warehouse deep into Kate's territory that only had materials coming out. While working in the warehouse the defector had seen some kind of madness-inducing portal that scared the living hell out of him. Couple with the whole operation being taken over by Kate's right-hand man, Wally Tomlinson, who now called himself The Wolf.   While the informant was laying out the information he began to convulse. Blood poured out of his eyes and his ears and he screamed as he died. The party checked to see if he had been poisoned, but it appeared to be "natural" causes.   While Tillie's men came to clean up the body a frustrated Cassius and the party beat the dead body to a pulp. Culminating in an exploding skull thanks to Harry's hammer.   The party thenconvened to a brewery where Hurmir was providing brews and there they hatched a plan to infiltrate Kate's territory. They were worried that a man like Cassius would stand out there so some level of subterfuge was needed. His face would be known after all. The plan would be that they would use Jori's animorph skills to turn into a dog that Harry could ride and they would set up a meeting with the Wolf to buy the paper notebook. While the sale was going down Hurmir would give away beers compliments of Tillie Devine and cause a distraction to keep the crowd controlled. They would steal the book and flee.   The plan did not go as intended.   The free beer went over well, but the people guarding the alleyway seemed to have no intent to show off the notebook and tried to lead the cart and the buyers in. Quickly battle broke out and they fought the guards, all without dropping a single bit of beer.   Hurmir scaled the walls of the main warehouse for some recon and found a top hatch to peak in. He was able to find the room with 5 corners and see materials being unloaded from the portal. The Wolf, several wolves, and a woman were guarding the unloading, but more so there were two grell floating in the rafters overwatching the entire process.   The party opted not to take a months-long journey to find the other end of the portal and so they hatched another plan. Jori would throw fireballs from the hatch while an invisible Hurmir sprinted across the room, grab the notebook, and disappeared into the night. Easy.   Kind of.   The fireballs Jori launched found their targets, wolves were blown away and the woman died. On queue Harry and Cassius burst in ready to deal with the stragglers. The Wolf lept in to the fray and the two bird-beaked brain's called Grell floated up out of the hatch in search of Jori. Jori polymorphed into a spider and slipped past them.   The Wolf, Cassius, and Harry engaged in battle, the Wolf's double swords biting into Cassius and Cassius returning the favour all while Hurmir sprinted across the room, grabbed the book and began looking for more items. He also acquired a ledger.   The grell, finding no one on the roof returned and found Jori hanging out in the rafters. They hunted Jori in the rafters as he dodged back and forth. Eventually, they caught up to him and momentarily incapacitated him.   On the ground, Harry blinded the wolf and Cassius finished the villain. They then worked to help out Jori and when he was free the party escaped the warehouse with their prizes in tow.   They returned the item to Tillie who was quite happy and in the ledger they were able to determine that Kate had aligned herself with a Rakshasa. The blank notebook had the ability to kill anyone whose name was written in it and Tillie walked away, ready to write Kate's name.

Rewards Granted

Missions/Quests Completed

Acquire the Death Note and return to Tillie.
Report Date
04 Mar 2021
Primary Location


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