Sweep Military Conflict in AMBIT | World Anvil
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The Conflict

The Engagement

Two hundred soldiers from King Ulon's force marched into Molomb and took captive all graces they found.   The move was an effort to bring more graces to King Ulon's academies, built to house and train graces so people are protected from their powers. Graces in the city were given two years to move to the academies of their own accord, but many remained behind in protest, not believing the king would actually follow up on his orders.   Unfortunately, those graces were wrong. Those that refused to go with the King's men peacefully were executed in the square.


The city immediately split into two factions. Many praised the actions of the King, stating that they agreed, graces needed a place of their own. Just as many others argued that the King's academies are more like prisons, and more importantly, nothing justifies the systematic execution of several hundred innocent people.


The rebellion against the King, long scraping for support, used this event to rally their forces. They established themselves as guerilla activists in Molomb, sparking the King to increase military presence in the city.
Included under Conflict
Included Conflicts
Conflict Type
Military Campaign
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Mid-winter, year 930 AO
Conflict Result
Nearly three hundred graces followed the soldiers to the academy. Over five hundred graces were killed.


The King's Force

Led by

The graces of Molomb


Two hundred soldiers. Armed with grace abilities, swords, spears, crossbows.
Approximately 800 graces in the city. Mostly artisans and laborers. Nearly all of them unarmed; none had military training.


Over five hundred graces executed.


To remove all graces from Molomb, one way or another.
To stay alive.

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Cover image: by Albert Bierstadt


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