Monsters in Amanor
Monsters, or monstrosities, are the result of powerful curses whether they be inflicted by dark powers, exceptionally powerful spellcasters or the Empyreal Gods themselves. Every species of monster has its own dark origin. Their methods of reproduction are varied as well; some monsters increase their numbers my spreading their magical curse, others can reproduce biologically and some are unable to do either.   Some monstrosities are the progeny of single ancient individuals that caused offense to some great power – typically a god – and were punished with a hideous curse that transformed them into a monstrosity. Through various means they were then able to reproduce or spread the curse to others, increasing the numbers of their kind until they grew from an oddity to a veritable species.   Another origin story for monstrosities is that they were magically crafted and purposefully designed by powerful spellcasters perhaps even in large numbers. The methods of creating such creatures would range from mutating or hybridizing other races to enacting unholy rituals and blood magic. These abominable creations would then rebel against their masters or otherwise achieve their independence.   Despite their varied origins, all monster species have certain traits in common. Firstly, monsters are deathly allergic to silver -- they cannot even touch silver without experiencing pain or great discomfort. Second, their skin is extremely resistant to damage and can be easily pierced only with silvered weapons. Third, the mental state of any monster dwelling on Amanor is deeply affected by lunar cycle. It is divine secret, perhaps, that what cosmic force is the reason for these similarities, but they are nonetheless universal and inescapable.

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Cover image: by CraniumBeaver