Assault of Dulne Harbour

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With war comes loss. Such is the natural consequence of seeking violence over peace.

For the Materian Alliance, they faced one of their biggest losses against the Threedan Order at Dulne Harbour. Suddenly a city that, by all accounts, should have been easy to defend saw a tragic loss to civilian life.



  • 10:48pm, 21-06-133 CO
    A Warning Sign At Dusk
    The outer patrol encounters a trio of injured Dyrus. Unwilling to risk leaving the Dyrus there and allowing them time to recover, the patrol tries to kill them, only for the trio to escape. Tired and presuming the incident to be a one off, the patrol returns to Dulne Harbour. Unbeknownst to them, the patrol has had one of their radios stolen.
  • 1:05am, 22-06-133 CO
    Calm Before The Storm
    Having stolen the radio, the Dyrus bide their time, waiting for an opportune moment to present itself. In between outer patrols, the Dyrus make in groups to Dulne Harbour. They sneak through the gates without alerting the Materians within.
  • 1:37am, 22-06-133 CO
    The Assault Begins
    With their troops inside, the Threedan Order begins their assault on Dulne Harbour. They abduct a number of civilians in preparation to use as collateral when the Materian Alliance starts to fight back.
  • 6:52am, 22-06-133 CO
    A Short Respite
    Fighting continues through the early hours of the morning. The Threedan Order take out approximately 700 civilians and 25 members of the Materian Alliance whilst keeping their own losses minimal. However, the Materian Alliance starts to regain some ground, so the Dyrus temporarily occupy a handful of the city’s buildings, using the abducted Materians as leverage to prevent the Materian Alliance from striking back.
  • 5:01pm, 22-06-133 CO
    Disaster At The Compound
    Whilst there are minor skirmishes throughout the day, nothing comes of them until the early evening. A group of Dyrus from the Threedan Order sneak out to the industrial compounds. There, they start a blaze that quickly engulfs the factories, killing the majority of workers before the Materian Alliance has the chance to respond. This leads to fighting once again breaking out and the group of Dyrus are trapped, heavily wounded, and eventually detained by the Materian Alliance.
  • 7:29pm, 22-06-133 CO
    Mass Casualties
    After a brief stalemate, the fighting begins anew. This time, neither side holds back and casualties are reported en masse over the next 24 hours.
  • 8:13pm, 23-06-133 CO
    Ceasefire And Exchange
    The Materian Alliance calls for a temporary ceasefire after heavy civilian casualties. They demand an exchange - the Materian civilians that the Threedan Order had captured at the start of the assault, for the Dyrus troops who had set the factories ablaze.
  • 9:41pm, 23-06-133 CO
    Inciting Incidents
    One of the Dyrus troops succumbs to his wounds under the watchful eye of the Materian Alliance. Word reaches the Threedan Order after another of the troops escapes confinement and, enraged and believing the incident to have been committed on purpose, charge the Materian troops.
  • 4:17am, 24-06-133 CO
    The Order’s Retreat
    The fighting continues to escalate as both sides try to rescue their own from the clutches of their enemies. In the end, after a failed rescue attempt from the Threedan Order results in the deaths of the Dyrus captives, they call a surprising retreat.
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Defence of the Alliance

With close to 500 members stationed at the stronghold in Dulne Harbour, the Materian Alliance believed they would have an easy time defending from any attacks. However, the Threedan order managed to take them by surprise. After a full three days of fighting, the alliance had lost 143 members as well as ~1200 civilian lives.

The Threedan Attack

Though their numbers were a full 330 less, the Dyrus of the Threedan Order benefited from a well timed surprise attack, insider knowledge of the city’s defences, and some underhanded tactics. In the end, they were still forced to retreat, suffering 90 losses themselves.

The Reasoning

The question becomes: why did the Threedan Order attack Dulne Harbour, only to retreat after three days worth of fighting? Especially when you consider that, in comparison to the Materians, they suffered far fewer losses.

Although the Threedan Order may well have liked to take control over Dulne Harbour, their main reason for targeting the Materian stronghold was the factories. In particular, the ones linked to the engineering of the first iterations of Materian magitech.

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Factions Materian Alliance | Threedan Order | Liberty

Cover image: Main World Banner by SunlanceXIII


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