PM1 pt.29} neeeed aa laauugh in Amalgama | World Anvil

PM1 pt.29} neeeed aa laauugh

notoriousVisionary played by Leng, stupidIdiot played by SoperPlanet, quintessentialPleasure played by , fandomloveRr played by SoperPlanet
NV: bleeh aanythiing stuupiid gooiing oon? ii neeeed aa laauugh
SI:other than me, not much
SI: IT seems The COnsTanT TRaIN RIde OF sTuPIdiTY ThaT Is The memO Is sLowLY sTOPPIng, maYNe eVeRYone has exhausTeD TheIR emBaRmesnT RESERVOIRS and need TO gO geT mORe
NV: uunliikeely maan theem shiits iis bootoomleess oor soomeethiing
quintessentialPleasure [QP] is now responding to the memo
QP: Human or otherwise, stupidity tends to know no bounds
QP: I wouldn’t be surprised if it started up again
NV: muust bee soomee liikee hooliidaay oor soomeethiing huumaans ceeliibraaiitee eeveerythiing
fandomloverR [FR] is now responding
FR: :0
FR: hello!!!! everyone!!!!
FR: hows it all going?:3
NV: ii thiink theerees beeeen aa maassiivee pooweer ooutaagee oor soomeethiing maan
FR:that's not a gamer moment, thatd for sure!
FR:I hope everyone is fine
NV: meeh heeck iif ii knoow
NV: whaat yoouu beeeen uup too oor soomeetiing ii duunoo
FR:well, I've recently gotten a morail!!! Turlly, my life is looking up!
FR:also, I have been binging game of thrones, I want to make sure I know the source material before I rewrite the ending. Glub!
NV: gooood foor yoouu maan


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