Eridan Ampora

Played by Caseus

Eridan Ampora (a.k.a. caligulasAquarium)

"All of her FRAUDULENT MAGICS cannot come close to posin threat to my mastery ovver the TRUEST SCIENCES"
First things first, he’s always right. There is no arguing he’s a mastermind. He’s already five steps ahead. You’re probably his pawn on some grand fucking chessboard, you little shit. Is his ego in three sentences since stepping foot on amalgama. After all, what’s the point in thinking otherwise?   We’re all going to die. Death comes sooner than we think. Where better to know that than the uncertain chaos of war, burning the world in turmoil. He’s made it a point to learn every fight. Every strategy, blade, and gun. The political games of manipulation and lying. Thinking he’ll die as renowned or successful as Nyapol-Nyaaan or King Arthur.   He’s very transactional, yet never communicates this—the type to expect you to do something for him when he shows an iota of care. He’s a fucking legendary hero. You should bow.   However, existentialism has eaten at him as of late. Life still sucks. Despite the ability to trample over the weak with free reign like a rampaging aquatic hydra, there was no peace, no profound conversations, his friends had ditched him, and all he had left to eat at was himself. He still wants everyone to like him and knows he’s the best, yet. Why doesn’t anyone like him? Able to fell mountains with a squeeze of his finger, yet refuses to dig within himself. Even despite it all, he still has some... Fucked up emotions for his old friends... Even... No fuck him. fuck them theyre all probably better off or wwhatevver.   He’s a bit of a tool.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Used to be on top of the world, with quadrants like Vriska or Fef back on Alternia. Felling monsters, FLARPING, amassing his collections, planning out devastating strategies to wipe out the surface, talking with fef, throwing slurs at Sollux for his stupid existence, being a scalding iron in the fire. He had it all.   That was until the merge happened. Everything turned to shit, and that’s where Eridan’s troubles started. Not with occupation, nor survival, but personal. Feferi broke up with him. Vriska moved on. Sollux fucked off, Equius vanished, gamzee sucked, and the others were lowbloods. He had only himself for those first few years.   So he hopped onto the nearest fishing boat and played a massive role in reconquering the ocean, blasting through hulls of submarines, tearing the sides of cargoships, boarding their cockpits, and listening to their songs of despair. He reveled in it, destroying hope. It was a great distraction from his emotions. But it never filled the hole inside of him. It had only grown.   Eventually (and somewhat inevitably), he would shrug off his duties. He had enough wealth that he could easily live in a seven-story kingdom with, like, thirty hot tubs and host grandiose events for years. He hoards his wealth and isolates himself from the world. In hopes of not being bothered with politics or foul interactions with people who will probably hate him for no reason. Everything sucks anyway.


Official Privateer. (rumored there was a failed attempt to abolish the title in Eridan v. Vriska), has tried to become an influencer but is stopped every time by Sollux.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Rides around in a sub-aquatic RV from some fuckin land-lubbin loser. Amassin it with various tools plundered from the unfortunate to cross him. He named it (with neon sign christening) The BattleVvan. (Never acquired his legendary lightning rifle.)   He has become a sharpshooter over the years, with plenty of low-blood game swimming around in his ocean. He did lots of boarding, looting, and destroying the hopes of the invading land dwellers. He enjoys using various collected tools, like pistols and rifles, and will even use large caliber flintlocks if he feels eccentric or poetic.   He can sail a boat to a full-ass nuclear submarine all by himself. With experience as a shipwright and sailor. An act of resilience after losing his mount, still reconquering swaths of the sea. He will refer to himself as Edward Teach and Orphaner Dualscar to the incredibly inferior.

Personality Characteristics


Get a hot bitch and KILL ALL LAND DWELLERS. Lately, he has been addicted to weed and procrastinating on that. Another doomsday device. ⠀

Likes & Dislikes

He adores weapons, from shitty land-dwelling guns to their strange iterations. Learning about percussion, flintlock, and smokeless powders of the modern cartridges. Has collected a few guns, like a stoner-LMG, an AK-47, and an Elephant gun. Very much a “shoot first wwith my cool fucking rifle ask questions later” mentality
While he still enjoys a good book, Eridan has become obsessed with the video medium. Absorbing tons of knowledge from things like Grubtube for his historical fix and begrudgingly enjoying human entertainers. (though it’s his dirty secret nobody knows about, don’t blackmail him, please.)
He discovered marijuana (pronounces it merijuana) during one of his routine raids on a fishing boat and offered some by the sailors in exchange for their lives. He obliged. Leaving after an hour with a craving for pizza, a little black jar, and a long-looking beaker with a bowl sticking out the side. (he has a collection of bongs now.)
Eridan discovered what anime was on a TV still playing in a plundered submarine. Its denizens quieted, water leaking in, yet the dull hue was enthralling enough to keep him in till it sank. Allured by a strange bald man in a yellow uniform and an oversized cape. He eventually figured out the show through some forum posts and became a snob on shows.
He has an obsession with MYTHology or the fake fuckin magics. Some favorites are Greek figures like Medusa or Saytrs. Cepheus and related Cetus are some of his top tiers.
He had a couple of bad experiences with anime. The worst was a monster harem with a vampire, though he didn’t hate it because of writing quality, but sheer envy. Yearning for so many girls to swoon over his every need like that. So, instead, he openly hates them but inwardly loves them.
Sollux Captor (fuck that guy.)
Orphans. He once tried to open an orphanage, but it went poorly. They refused to go through his training with ungrateful results. Throwing rifles like toys, complained about his cooking, and worse yet, they didn’t like using airsoft! It was a catastrophe, so he bulldozed it. Insurance claims were cheaper than selling the thing anyway. (Orphans were relocated to another orphanage. Probably.)
10 sweeps (21 years)
➠Sexual orientation
like yknoww maybe one isn enough for a fish like me i havve to raise an army somehoww
➠Typing Quirk
types in all lowercase and doubles his V’s & W’s with a similar wobble in his voice. Will occasionally make a fish pun.
"the quick browwn fox jumps ovver the lazy dog"
A Skyhorse
➠Original Planet
Prince of Hope


In Person



Character Portrait image: by Kiwi


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