The Wandering Apple Building / Landmark in Alzabaar | World Anvil
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The Wandering Apple

The Wandering Apple is a raucous party bar and inn located in the town of Greenflower.   It is owned by a dwarf named Luthar Kegheart.   From the outside, it looks modest, intimate and delightful. Stacked stones and hardwooden pillars make up most of the building's outer structure. You can't see through the windows but you can feel the electricity of entertained guests inside.   As you enter the tavern through the old, hardwooden door, you're welcomed by aromas of roasted meats, spilled ale, and the sound of music and singing.   A dwarven bartender is busy pouring drinks and interacting with patrons, but yells a hearty welcome to you as you come in.   The interior just as quaint as the exterior. Wooden beams support the upper floor and sconces attached to them. The walls are decorated with hides and pelts.   The tavern is packed with local workers and merchants, tables are packed with diverse groups of characters enjoying each others company. And those who aren't sitting and drinking are singing and dancing. Most chairs are occupied, but nobody seems to mind your added company.   You manage to find a seat.
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