Priestess of Lolth Profession in Altaros | World Anvil
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Priestess of Lolth

After The Turbulence the influence of the Spider Queen in Lolthian dark elf cities slowly began to fade and the job og being a priestess has also started to lose the interest of many. Nowadays most people are turning towards something else in search for power of lifelihood.



One needs to be a female and a pure-blooded dark elf. Men cannot become priestesses and are only very rarely able to become temple assistants. Even then the men need to have a lot of influence to back them up to get to work in the temple area.

Career Progression

One starts as a temple assistant, then when she hears the call she can start her priestess career as an acolyte and slowly make her way higher.

Payment & Reimbursement

One do get a sizely reimbursement for their work as a priestess, but the payment is rarely the main reason for the women to seek a path in the religious life. Only the fact that the priestesses have heard the call of the Spider Queen is enough merit for most and the priestesses have been held in high regard through millennia... until  rather recently.

Other Benefits

Being a priestess is a huge perk in the teological society of The Lolthian Drows. The ones favored by the evil Spider Queen often exel in public life and are feared and revered by their peers. With welath and money one can only gain a fraction of the power compared to being the Spider Queen's favorite.



The Lolthian priestesses are seen as the very instrument of the Spider Queen's will and opposing them is seen as rebellion against Lolth herself, and thus unforgivable.

Social Status

Matrons of the most important houses of the dark elf cities used to also be priestesses, and thus the priestesses were held in high regard. Nowadays most families don't even have a priestess in their ranks anymore.
Used to be very sought after, but nowadays there are only a few acolytes in training.


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