Hathor Character in Altaros | World Anvil
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Hathor is one of the minor human deities and even though she doesn't belong to The Human Pantheon, she has a strong footing in areas around The Old Sea.

Divine Domains

Life, Light, Moon, Motherhood and Children

Physical Description

Body Features

When Hathor talks with her followers in the human form, she often chooses the form of a tanned woman wearing a linen dress and golden jewelry. She also has horns which curve slightly at the top, enough to accommodate a moon globe between them. More often than not she appeares in the form of small white calf with similar horns, but sometimes without the moon globe, sometimes with it.

Facial Features

She has soft features, but often wears bold eyeliner -also in the cow form.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

Hathor isn't too picky about the race of her followers. She approaches those she sees potential to do good in, not caring about their race, gender, sexuality or age. Such things are trivial to her, as she only seeks out those who aim to do good -even if they still weren't quite there. She wishes to protect and guide, like a nurturing mother. She has been especially concerned about children and those who have gotten the wrong end of the stick in life. 
She is not very warlike, but she is ready to take on arms if needed to protect the good and her followers. In warfare she can be surprisingly difficult enemy  because she fights with the rage of a lion mother when her cubs -followers- are threatened.
Divine Classification
Minor deity


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