Diejeger Settlement in Altair | World Anvil


The Hunters Lodge

The walls are being patrol by a few guards in a counter clockwise fashion. Inside the compound are several small hunts for curing leather. There is also a large long house where the hunters lodge for the night.



Industry & Trade

Furs and Dry Goods


Longhouse, leatherworking hut, basic forge, fur trade


Diejeger is a fur trading post that dealt with exotic furs. Such as, wolf, dire wolves, winter wolves, bear etc. This kind of trade may have angered some spirits. The place was destroyed by a pack of winter wolves and two giant clawed monsters. These monsters took several hunters away. Later that same day, the tribe of Gnolls nearby. Assaulted the survivors at the damaged fort. Killing everyone. The people that were taken away eventually were rescued by several strangers, but three of the hunters that were taken were flayed alive. Atheena Bladewalker, one of the rescued hunters, lead a soldiers to the Gnoll village and slaughtered them. She eventually rebuilt the fort. Adding an obelesk in the center as memory of the people that were fallen.


Nordic long house in the middle and wooden walls around.


Deep Forest next to a mountain range.

Natural Resources

Fur, Wood, Dry Meats
Alternative Name(s)
Hunters House
Outpost / Base
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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