Macula Geographic Location in Alpha Centauri | World Anvil


The furthest planet in the solar-system around Alpha Centauri A and therefore also the planet with the longest orbit. Macula is a small cold planet made of mostly rock and other hard materials. Some heavier elements have been found on Macula, and therefore must be a planet astray. Heavy elements such as Gold, Silver and Uranium is made during supernovae of a supermassive star. When a star has used up all its fuel, a process begins where it compresses all its materials until more fusion can happen in the core. This happens after the star gets past the element Iron, and only then will the heavy materials be made.   That's how we are able to know, that Macula isn't originally from this solar system. It's hard to tell exactly what happened to the little planet, but its possible that the star it originally orbited burst into a supernova and catapulted Macula astray.   Another clue as to why Macula may be from some other solar system is the orbit around the star. It's crooked and goes the wrong way around (Read more under Orbit)    

The Surface

  Maculas surface is mainly metals and heavy elements - Uranium has been detected as well as silver and gold. The planet itself is dormant and cold, and the core isn't what it used to be - now it's hardly lukewarm.   The surface is spotted with large craters and impact wounds from other bodies bumping into it. Without impacts from other terrestrial bodies disturbing the surface, nothing would ever happen on Macula. Weather on the small planet is suttle because of the small amount of atmosphere surrounding the surface. If nothin ever were to hit Macula, the surface would be almost perfectly the same forever.    


  The orbital course is generally speaking very average looking - an oval shape that isn't too oblong. Being the outermost planet, Macula has the longest way around Alpha Centauri A that takes 89.34 Earth years to complete.  
Macula orbit.png
by CatRobi
by CatRobi


12.029 km  

Surface gravity

1.32 g (1.32 times the gravity felt on Earth)  

Surface temperature


Days (Lenght)

3.78 Earth days  


89.34 Earth years  
Why do we believe Macula originates from another solar system to the naked eye the planet seems quite like the other planets.   Well, some specific things are different and may hold the clue to if Macula belongs here or is a planet on an adventure.   Firstly, there is the fact that the orbit around Alpha Centauri A is in the opposite direction compared to its brothers and sisters orbits.   When planets get created around a star, they rotate in a disk until more and more material clumps up and becomes small planets. So they should all in theory "turn" the same direction as the disk originally did before the creation of the planets.
And not only this but Macula has a very crooked path around Alpha Centauri A, that doesn't match the others (within a margin of error so small it's negligible)
Macula orbit 2.png
by CatRobi


  Old craters and tectonic activity has created long scars across the surface - a reminder of what used to be. The material around the surface is extremely dense and packed closely together. Metals such as copper, gold and silver, are commonly found in the rocks, and uranium seems to be just underneath the surface layer. The Uranium and Copper are partially what gives the planet a light green tint. Mountain ranges and old volcanos shape the landscape, and around the poles, a small icy layer covers the surface.   Because of all the metal inside the planet, a strong magnetic field has been created surrounding many kilometres around Macula. Spectacular lights show up in the thin atmosphere after a solar eruption. Being the planet farthest away from Alpha Centauri A does have some consequences. The protective force from the star that keeps other radiation and bodies at bay isn't far away, and at times, giant gamma bursts happen close by and Macula is suddenly an easy target. Satellites around the planet have been lost to these bursts, and it's therefore hard to keep satellites around.   Macula has a thin layer of atmosphere around its surface with a reach of 10 km. The main reason for its disappearance is all the cosmic radiation it keeps getting at the "end of the solar system".

Cover image: by CatRobi


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