A short introduction to Alpha Centauri A in Alpha Centauri | World Anvil

A short introduction to Alpha Centauri A

Stars, planets and galaxies; a fascination for many humans throughout their time on Earth. Times have changed drastically the last 200 years, with humans making more and more advanced technologies and being more aware than ever of how fragile their home really is.   The stories you find here is in the 22’end century and revolves mainly around the humans that took a chance and ended up on a new planet called Domus⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣. The events that led them here is slowly being told through the articles, though I’m not a fast writer…   One thing to take with you when you read the articles is: we humans tend to think we know, or at least have a good idea of what to expect in many situations. That’s how our brains process information. When we have pictured aliens and planets that alien lifeforms live on, we imagine a world much like our own. A species and a planet that isn’t at all that different, and lives by the same rules governed by the universe. Though at the same time, we know how much life on our earth was a lucky coincidence. No natural laws say that all alien life and other planets have precisely the same “rules” as we do.   We might’ve even seen some evidence of things we can’t comprehend just yet. Dark matter and dark energy; this is a thing we have tried to grasp for some time now, but we just do not seem to understand it enough. It is invisible to us, but that may not be the case for other living species.   This is a major flaw we have: being ignorant. But soon, those who dare to admit it will learn truths they never thought possible.  
Let’s follow them in their discoveries and adventures.


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