Wolf Pike Species in Aloth | World Anvil

Wolf Pike

Basic Information


The wolf pike closely resemble other esocids such as the northern pike and the pickerel in both appearance and behavior, tough they appear much bigger in size and have a larger variety of colors. Like the northern pike and other aggressive pikes, the body plan is typical of ambush predators with an elongated body, flat head, and dorsal, pelvic, and anal fins set far back on the body, the wolf pike also has a more distinguished tail section than its other cousins.

Growth Rate & Stages

The wolf pikes are slow to grow much like other types of esoxs. They have an increase lifespan in comparison, but uses much of it to reach full size. The eggs also use a long time to hatch, as once laid they need 3-4 weeks before hatching into small fry. Most pike lay their eggs during the middle of spring, usually during Zen'Horir and they tend to hatch in the later parts of Sawakesh'Ar. Most juvenile wolf pikes who survive tend to grow to 45 cm by the end of Al'Akhar,which is also when most have stopped yeating yolk and begin hunting in packs.

Ecology and Habitats

The wolf pike is a very adaptive freshwater fish who can adjust to most temperatures but prefer the colder waters and can easily survive in lakes who freeze over. They are somewhat territorial over their mating grounds as certain parts of lakes are often taken over by the pikes and used as breeding spots where they lay their eggs. These areas are often heavily guarded and adult pikes will often fight to the death in order to protect the new generation of pikes.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The wolf pike has much of the same perceptive abilities as other pikes or muskies, but have one major adavantage against them. The wold pike has electroreceptors which are located on the head and are sensitive to weak electric fields generated by other animals or geoelectric sources. The electroreceptors are thought to be used in various behaviors such as hunting, mating and migration.
Scientific Name
Esox lupius
35 years
Conservation Status
There are few conservation measures for the species as they are one of the greatest incomes of fishermen in the Revanian area, but it is illegal to fish and kill female wolf pikes during the spring.
Average Weight
Between 31 kilos to 54 kilos
Average Length
Between 190 cm to 265 cm
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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