Bondrasi Species in Aloth | World Anvil


Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Bondrasi reproduces the same way as humans, a bondrasi being born to another bondrasi is about 50%. A bondrasi can also be born as long as a distant family member was a bondrasi and a bondrasi can be born if their parents were exposed to the raw powers of limbo during their pregnancy. In some cases, it is even possible to become a bondrasi in such circumstances, but it is very rare and since their creation has almost never been done.

Growth Rate & Stages

Bondrasi mature in their late teens like humans.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Bondrasi are spread around Tyrania without a certain or distinct place to call home. Most Bondrasi try to hide their true nature as they are often viewed with distrust and suspicion.

Average Intelligence

Bondrasi are often much wiser and smarter than normal humans born with intelligence and wisdom that rivals most other races. This comes from the voices and spirits inheriting their body feeding them information and making it easier to learn.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Bondrasi has the same basic senses as humans. The only difference is that the voices in their head might guide them in situations of self-preservation.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Most Bondrasi speak common and often learn additional languages through their lives.


The bondrasi are not a new race which evolved from another or has evolved over millions of years, it is a new race which some consider more a condition than a real race like sorcerers. They were created years before the demonic invasion known as Dürthang. The planar changes and breaking down of planes which were caused by Tharizdun breaking free from his own plane made some planes leak into the material, one of which was Limbo. Limbo's energy and lost souls and spirits flooded through the prime plane and many humanoids were affected by it. Some had these lost souls and spirits connect to them, meld with their mind, and others were permanently damaged by these psychic waves. Those who melded with these spirits became bondrasi. About 95% of the bondrasi who were created in this way were humans as the other races instead suffered permanent damage or even death from these waves, but humans managed to meld with them at a higher rate. Most of these first bondrasi were imprisoned and taken into asylums as they were first overwhelmed by the voices and believed to be insane, but many were freed after Dürthang as they had either settled, or the reason for their creation had been understood. This condition which was created by the intermingling of planes did not go away, and the children of bondrasi were born with their own abilities and voices as their parents' connection to limbo had transferred onto them. These people were given enhanced psychic abilities, but all bondrasi struggle with their inner voices, some manage to control them and use them for their own gains, while others fall to their control.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Bondrasi are mostly human and often seek the same relationships as humans. They are commonly found with other humans, elves, half-elves, dwarves, halflings, half-orcs, tieflings and Daharian. But the perfect match for a Bondrasi is another Bondrasi as they have the ability to link their minds and memories in a more intimate ritual which they can not experience with any other race.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
100 - 150 years
Average Height
Between 150 cm to 182 cm
Average Weight
Between 55 kg to 90kg


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