Bernadius Blackpool Character in Aloth | World Anvil

Bernadius Blackpool

Bernadius Blackpool

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Standard physical condition. Is good at swimming because of his race as a water genasi-

Body Features

Blackpool has light blue skin which is always a bit moist and seems to be sweating often.

Facial Features

Blackpool has a very sharp and thin face. His eyes are a bit lifeless but he makes up for it by showing a lot of emotion when he talks. He has a black goatee and his hair is long and messy often going into his face.

Physical quirks

Blackpool often wears his light green long coat with yellow trims and brown belt with bags, vials, and pouches hanging on it. He also wears a dark brown fur cloak when he is outside with a hood.

Special abilities

Master Alchemist who can make rare and powerful potions.

Specialized Equipment

Alchemy tools, herbalist kit, and poisoner tools.

Mental characteristics




Educated at the Aurum Assemble


Works as a shopowner in Redwater where he sells potions and other helpful formulas.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Became a master alchemist. Opened his own shop in Redwater. Made his own very popular potion known as Blackpool's tough skin.

Failures & Embarrassments

Almost died to a shambling mound as he was distracted by moss. Lost his satchel and cloak to the same shambling mound.

Mental Trauma

Has developed a small fear for sentient plants and going alone into the swamp.

Intellectual Characteristics

Blackpool is very intelligent and experimental.

Morality & Philosophy

Belives that people should not be compared to their parents or ancestors and rather make a life for themself and not those before them.

Personality Characteristics


To become an outstanding alchemist by himself instead of being compared to his ancestors who founded the Aurum Assemble.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Extremely good and alchemy, but very bad at defending himself or any physical tasks.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes trying new things, potions, nature, and creatures.   Dislikes shambling mounds, danger, and bullywugs.

Virtues & Personality perks

Accepting and trusting.

Vices & Personality flaws

Easily distracted.


As good as he can do living in a humid swamp.


Contacts & Relations

The Aurum Assemble

Family Ties

Is the descendant to legendary alchemist Aurelius Blackpool who founded the Aurum Assemble.

Religious Views

Follows Oghma to a degree but is not a devout follower.

Wealth & Financial state

Above-average wealth as he sells expensive potions to adventurers and those who have the money for it. Because of his shop's location, it is hard to sell most of his supply so some months of the years he lives potion to potion.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Master Alchemist
Year of Birth
604 49 Years old
Current Residence
Gray, almost white
Long black, messy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light blue
179 centimeters
74 kilo
Known Languages
Common and Primordial
Character Prototype
Tom Hiddleston


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