Asterious Volpert Character in Aloth | World Anvil

Asterious Volpert

Captain Asterious Erik Volpert

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Asterious is a big and strong man, even in his older age. He has kept up his training and with it kept old age at bay.

Facial Features

Asterious has a very strong, stoic and stern face. He has a massive scar over his right eye which was caused by a lightning bolt which hit his face during the Tru Betrayal, and many claw marks on the left of his head. He also has a big mustache that covers his mouth when he speaks.

Apparel & Accessories

Asterious wears imperial captain armor and a red cloak to go with it. His armor is beautiful and well kept, his badge is also displayed proudly on his chest.

Specialized Equipment

Asterious is trained with all types of armors and most weapons, but prefers his Claymore named Cullmore which was forged in his honor when he was given the rank of Lieutenant Captain and overseer of Cullfield.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Asterious Volpert has served in the Trugarian Military since he was 15 years old and served as Brigadier Captain Leyla Arneth's squire up until and during the Tru Betrayal of A4 601. Asterious Volpert did well during the war and his achievements had him rank up to Lieutenant Colonel by the end of the war. His friend and mentor Leyla however, was killed during the war. After the war, Asterious's career continued to reach new heights. Asterious reached the rank of Lieutenant Captain and was given the role of overseer over Cullfield, his home town.




Asterious's education was shortened because of the war, and had to retake many of his classes on the side while serving as a Lieutenant Colonel.


Religious Views

Asterious is very open about his faith, and that he is not very strict about religious bans made by the empire. He himself has been a follower of the god Erathis long before she was made a part of the Trugarian Pantheon in A4 652.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
3rd of Sawakesh’Ar
Year of Birth
582 71 Years old
Current Residence
Dark blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
186 centimeters
92 kilo
Asterious is unconventionally accepting of all faiths, but is personally a follower of Erathis
Aligned Organization
Known Languages


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