
(Legacy Content)
Shatterstone is a naturally occurring, stone-like material known for its ability to break nearly tool or weapon that strikes it. Further study on the material reveals that it causes this effect through randomization of the attacker's resonance, causing it to shatter on impact. This property actually lead to a material with somewhat similar functions, known as Juggernite, to be previously dubbed a form of "shiny" Shatterstone, though this has now been corrected.


Material Characteristics

Shatterstone appears as a somewhat deep purplish-grey stone, which can be found in large veins underground.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Shatterstone possesses the ability to randomize an attacking tool or weapon's resonance, causing it to shatter on impact. This effect appears to be reduced when considering highly dense or durable materials, such as Veluvium or to a lesser extent Titanoshulate, or even negated entirely when considering materials like Juggernite. Despite its stony appearance, Shatterstone weighs about the same as iron or steel.


Shatterstone is used by immensely skilled craftsmen, typically using the Artum school, to create armor capable of weathering some of the most powerful of blows.

Geology & Geography

Shatterstone is found primarily in northern Ysrailore or western Saeralore, though pockets of it can be found throughout the world.

Origin & Source

Shatterstone appears to be created when chaotic energies suffuse with standard natural stone, giving it it's unique properties. This suffusion appears to occur most often around demonic hotspots, presumably due to the chaotic energies of demons themselves.

History & Usage


Shatterstone was almost completely avoided for much of time after its discovery, as its appearance in tunnels was seen as a bad omen, followed by cave-ins and disaster. However, in the Golden Age of the Alorean First Era, an unknown smith created the first items to be crafted from Shatterstone, a mace and shield. The items were examined to discover trace amounts of Artum Maijurous, leading to the foundation of magical techniques used to create items made from this stone with the use of the Artum school.


Shatterstone was discovered during the Dark Age. As such, no information regarding who or what first came upon the rock, though its existence was carried through records thereafter.

Everyday use

Due to its difficult to manage properties, Shatterstone has no common use.

Industrial Use

The properties of Shatterstone make it exceptionally difficult to manufacture items en mass. Therefore, the material is used - if at all - to create unique pieces of equipment, be it arms or armor.


Shatterstone exists in its refined state, and one need only cut thin sheets of the material for adequate use via established Artum methods.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

Shatterstone produces no byproducts at any stage of refinement, crafting, or manipulation.


Due to its inherent properties, Shatterstone poses a threat to any and all personnel interacting with it, as any large amount of force impacting it - be it accidental or otherwise - can be turned into lethal reciprocation.

Environmental Impact

Shatterstone appears to have no inherent impact of the environment.

Reusability & Recycling

Shatterstone is exceptionally durable, a property that pervades everything made with it. Thusly, said items can last between several owners.


Trade & Market

Shatterstone has little value to those that cannot work it, and thusly is not a common commodity on the open market. However, due to its unique properties, Shatterstone is sought after by forging enthusiasts, elites, and adventurers alike for the commisioning of everything from art, to arms and armor.


Shatterstone can be safely stored in sealed metal containers under strict storing guidelines.
30 Sanctums per pound.
Shatterstone possesses no odor.
Shatterstone has no taste.
Shatterstone is a stony grey color with an undertone of deep purple.
Common State


Author's Notes

As with every writing endeavor, I would deeply appreciate constructive feedback, be it in the form of grammar corrections, naming ideas (which I have the most trouble with), or general questions or feedback about the world or anything within it. I thank you for your dedication of time to reading this article.

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