1: Save the Universe Report in Allyria | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

1: Save the Universe

General Summary

Thoril White had broken the laws of magic to create an alternate universe, one which was empty, a prison to contain Merikh. It was a temporary fix. The party has been chosen by Mystra to repair the multiverse into one and restore balance from chaos. Through callings and circumstance, Mystra gathered the party to her shrine. This new multiverse was diverging into complete chaos, spawning an undending tree of alternate paths that should not exist. If it is not stopped, existence will devolve into pure chaos and all of creation will form back into the void. Mystra and her artifact, bound by order and law, was unable to exist in and therefore protect more than one universe at once. Merikh had now returned from his prison universe and had finally found a way to track the pieces of the Chronosphere, intending to spread chaos and entropy across the multiverse and fulfl Shar's desire to return all creation to the void. It was up to them, her chosen champions to go back and collect the pieces of her artifact and use it to restore order before Merikh could complete his plans. They agreed, acknowledging that it may very well erase or alter the future they knew, and their home may never exist whether they succeed or fail.

The party met Kynaston Salvari at the temple of Mystra in a small pocket plane where they first arrived in the new timeline, chosen by Mystra as the most likely for success. They were shown the first of the 7 pieces of the Chronosphere artifact which gave them unique abilities. They must collect the remaining 6, and use the complete artifact to repair the weave and bring the multiverse into harmony again once and for all.
Report Date
05 Jul 2023
Secondary Location
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