Kingdom of Corfix Organization in Alluria | World Anvil

Kingdom of Corfix

  • A grand kingdom known as the birthplace of the Dwarves, it is very mountainous
  • Dominated by Dwarves, it is also home to the other races in good numbers
  • The class system is very ridged in Corfix, including slaves and servants amongst them.
  • Slavery is the main reason for the Elvish numbers within their population. It is uncommon to see elves or half-elves outside of slavery or the lower-middle class, and only to see Elf, Human, or Half-Elf slaves.
  • Though they never warred, Gearon was seen as a rival before its collapse.
  • Once the largest kingdom but lost land to Austbalwick, Ringal and Denson through trade or war.
  • Was once also the richest kingdom but most cities have been mined dry
  • Ruled by King Ardale Baldrin II
  • Economy is tough in Corfix, but trade across the sea is making Corfix a trading hub

The Deep Earth Rings with Glory

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Corfix, form. Corvix
Corfixian, Corfi
Controlled Territories