The Lost Continent of Rarkhen Geographic Location in Allucimere | World Anvil
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The Lost Continent of Rarkhen

The Lost Continent

The Lost Continent of Rarkhen is a mysterious continent far from other landmasses. The continent is a mysterious one, rarely touched by adventurers from the bustling Kingdoms of Man. Once, there were many wooden forts owned by one sea-faring kingdom or another on the coast of this continent. Then, people ventured deeper into its jungles. Among the towering fungi and great jungle trees lay mysterious creatures. The adventurers that returned brought a great disease with them. That disease was the Khordai Plague, which ravaged the world and brought the Age of the Elves to a definitive close. After the outbreak of the plague, nobody dared explore the fungal jungles ever again. Outposts after outposts were abandoned and forgotten, save for a few select ones far away from the continent's mainland. Nobody has ever discovered what lay within those great jungles, and if the stories of golden cities were really true or not.


The Lost Continent has two sections. The first is the mainland jungle, which is full to the brim with great, towering trees and wide mushrooms the sizes of buildings. The second section is located off of the mainland and is a group of progressively smaller islands with small jungles and mountains.

Fauna & Flora

The Lost Continent is full of great and mysterious fungi and great jungle trees. The fungi are great and mysterious, but are certainly not the only mysterious plant in the continent. There are hundreds, if not thousands of unique species of plants in this mysterious continent.
Alternative Name(s)
The Fungal Jungles
Included Locations
Artwork by Riccardo Piovan

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